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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • They don’t trust it, they just have no other figures to work off.

    That’s why they publish it. Not like there are (western adaptations of) the Li Keqiang Index


    1. At least have the decency to post the archive link https://archive.md/sgBQK
    2. Youth unemployment in the article:

    Calculating the actual employment rate is complex and it’s plausible the government decided the changing nature of the economy and labor patterns means their current model isn’t accurately reflecting reality.

    Obtuse way to say that the category 16-24 olds are studying and not part of the labour force

    1. Landsales: Communists don’t like speculation with real estate and land. Shocker. Not like they’ve been announcing a shift away from real estate to EV/Solar Panels/etc.
    2. Currency Reserves, Bond Transactions, Academic Information, Politicians’ Biographies:

    President Xi Jinping’s ideological battle with the US has also motivated Beijing to ringfence data it believes could advantage the Biden administration.


    A 15 year trend of growth on average no matter how you measure it: market cap, number of nodes, transaction volume, transaction capacity, etc.

    If you think that’s the critique of bitcoin then you have been blinded by techbros optimizim on the tech. Also it’s funny how you wave away bitcoin using up 1% of global electricity usage lol

  • Doesn’t execuse soviet behavior but some very valuable history that people should be aware of.

    Yes which you fail to contextualize. The soviets failed to find allies against Hitler before the war, and saw their collaboration in the Munich agreement and the deal with Hitler being made at their expense instead. You bringing up M-R NON AGGRESSION pact as a form of collaboration and not as a stalling of the inevitable explanation of Hitler to the east is just cope

    Remember folks they did this back then and again in 2014 with Crimea.

    “Fellas did you know mordern Bourgeoise Russia is the same as the soviets??”

  • There are some services in the economy you never would want to be privately owned. e.g. Firedepartment, healthcare providers, etc. These type of business are better run as a service for society, instead of these being subject to the profit motive. Look up what a privatized fire department looked like in New York. If you can’t understand that, then you havent been engaging with political theory enough…

    even vox


    The guy that floated here was due to wanting freedom and the ability to not be owned by the state

    Castro brought freedom to Cuba. Looks like your friends understanding of freedom is the same as the average Americans: Being a wageslave for 8hrs a day on average lol

  • state owned firms just suck

    If you say so chief. Thank you for your valuable contribution.

    I think you are wanting the cuban model which is really really really bad, and there is a reason

    Strawmaning much here I see. Putting cuba in it’s context means obviously I want the model apply everywhere, because history taught us that context doesn’t matter obviously.

    I knew a guy that floated here on an inner tube to get away from it.

    What was his family business and his function in the batista regime?

  • Could you open this a bit more because I’m not sure I understand your perspective currently?

    Reading Marxist theory helps. Here’s a pretty good lecture of comparing the systems which gives a pretty good overview:

    The History of Capitalism, Slavery, Feudalism and Marxism Richard Wolff

    a weird perspective to things that at least I don’t know of

    Thank you for acknowledging that you might have a perspective missing (This is by design). Considering this, you could benefit exploring terms like “hegemony” and “ideology”.

    what else should they do?

    To me it seems that you think you’re asking a rethorical questions with no answer. If you engage with Marxist theory, play with the thought, you don’t have to adopt it. Doing so you might realize that there are answers to this.

    If, and only if, the mother could get a higher paying job in a different location which would raise the entire family’s life quality, they absolutely should move even if it would feel difficult at first. Some (capitalistic) countries even offer support for that (if they were unemployed at first).

    Again, you’re advocating for people relocating and adapting to the market. Meaning, people serving the economy and not the other way around. This doesn’t fix the systemic problem.

    Of course it does. I’ve done it, multiple times, and I can’t understand why someone would rather be stuck in a shitty situation instead of moving into a new location where they have opportunities to build a better life.

    How is someone who lives paycheck to paycheck to just move? Who rents to someone like that? Moving costs money. What if someone doesn’t have the social support for moving? You’re saying this form a very priviledged position. It’s not a free choice. It’s being forced on you, because bourgois politics doesn’t tackle the problem at it’s roots.

    Sure, cherry pick some numbers here

    You’re saying it like you don’t do it.

    China has made numbers out of thin air for a long time and it starts to show now that their real estate industry is in shambles

    With a liberal perspective it sure looks like that. This is not cherry picking, right? lol Most of your treats come from China…

    Cuba vs. US, well, given the list, cherry picking is cherry picking.

    Well considering one is the hegemon, the other being an embargoed island with restricted access to the global economy it’s impressive I would say. Show me another country with this many sanctions and that high of a life expectancy… Libs ignoring context, a classic duo…