• 2 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月29日

  • Young millennial. And yeah, I think it’s not the most stark and clear cut, but older millennials had hope once it was just dashed upon adulthood, gen z grew up with everyone getting that they were hopeless. Us young millennials though, it was awkward as a 13 year old trying to explain to my parents that I was doomed.

    But I definitely have more in common with someone a few years younger than me than several years older

  • Ok as an ex catholic the level of sacreligiosity here is impressive. The cross isn’t the heavy bit, it’s heavy sure, he was tortured to death, but a stranger helped him carry it when he couldn’t carry it alone. The heavy bit was choosing to go be tortured to death for everyone including his killers. It was refusing to use divine power to save himself. The cross? No, a thief, a murderer, and a prophet died on that hill that day, each carried their cross, each died on it.

    Protestants are fucking weird.