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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I was born in 1962 and I consider myself a Boomer. I have a friend born in 1961 who considers himself GenX. It’s life circumstances and attitude that determine where you fit.

    Also, everybody please remember all these generational labels are made-up bullshit and vast generalizations that might be useful for some meta-analysis of trends, but they’re less than useless when it comes to understanding individual behavior.

    Like I taught my kids, the minute you start thinking all people in “Group Whatever” are alike, you lose.

  • calypsopub@lemmy.worldto4chan@lemmy.worldAI Girlfriends
    6 months ago

    As a woman, I really feel bad for men in our society, especially straight men. They get very little positive interaction at all. I like to compliment strangers; it usually makes my day when somebody says, “I like your hair,” or whatever, and I like to spread the joy. But I have to be cautious about giving compliments to men. A lot of them look at me weirdly if I say, “nice tie,” or “snazzy shirt.” I smile, say it, then move on so they don’t feel obligated to respond. It appears most of them aren’t used to it and don’t know how to handle it. I guess other men don’t compliment them (maybe for fear of being thought gay?) and women don’t, either (for fear of encouraging stalking or harassing behavior). It makes me sad to think of all the lonely people who get no affirmation from anybody. I’m old enough now that my days of being constantly sexually harassed are over, so I feel safe offering a few nice words.

    Gay men, OTOH, totally know how to give and take a compliment.