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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • They’d definitely try to lure it to chokepoints and entangle it in nets. The acid blood would eat right through those nets as soon as the Romans managed to get a few good stabs in, so Alien would take round one, I think. The soldiers would recruit some guard dogs to give them some warning in the dark as night fell. Night grants maximum surprise advantage to the xenomorph, but somebody manages to sear the beast with a brand before it gets away again with another few captives. Alien takes round two, soldiers requisition/commandeer barrels of oil and prepare for the final confrontation.

    Finally, dawn breaks, and the dogs track the scent of the stolen soldiers’ bodies back to the alien’s lair, in whatever cave or hole it found to start body horroring the hapless victims. Nets and spears are thrown in great numbers, they douse it with oil and get an iron grating down on top of it to be held down by the dozen burliest survivors. They cleanse it with fire and similarly end the suffering of the xenomorph’s captives. Centurions take the final round by knockout albeit at extreme personal cost and trauma.

  • But if they do that then they’ll go up to three stars and it’s even harder to get away then! When you get up to four stars they shut down the bridges and send helicopters and at five stars they start sending tanks–

    I jest, but the rapid military escalation of conflict in the GTA games is reflective of the “send enough dudes until the bad guy is dead” modus operandi of American law enforcement.

    What I am saying is: either use your guns or make them illegal if you don’t use them anyway.

    The people clutching the guns are the same ones with the “blue line flag punisher skull” tattoos and decals. Maybe if the Black Panther party made a comeback though.

  • These are all ludicrous.

    Could accidentally knock people into a higher tax bracket and ruin their finances long term for short term gain.

    This makes zero sense. Read up on how tax brackets actually work. Hitting higher tax brackets doesn’t mean your existing income is taxed at the higher rate. No “ruining.”

    Could accidentally give someone collateral to take out a massive loan they cannot afford long term.

    Wtf is this paternalistic BS. They could buy drugs or guns too!! 😱

    Doing nothing and simply using it as cash reserves is better than making a foolish mistake and ruining it for themselves.

    Nah. Pay people.