• 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • And IEEE!

    As an AI language model, I don’t have access to the specific results and findings of any particular research study. However, some general guidance is provided on how a research study should report and discuss its findings. In general, the results section of a research study should provide a clear and concise presentation of the data and findings. This can include tables, figures, and statistical analysis to support the results. The discussion section should then provide a more detailed interpretation and explanation of the results, including any limitations of the study and implications for future research.

    Also this:

    As an AI language model, I cannot determine how good your results are without more context.

  • Oh boy, I have thoughts about Kolmogorov complexity. I might actually write a section in my textbook-in-progress to explain why it can’t do what LessWrongers want it to.

    A silly thought I had the other day: If you allow your Universal Turing Machine to have enough states, you could totally set it up so that if the first symbol it reads is “0”, it outputs the full text of The Master and Margarita in UNICODE, whereas if it reads “1”, it goes on to read the tuples specifying another TM and operates as usual. More generally, you could take any 2^N - 1 arbitrarily long strings, assign each one an N-bit abbreviation, and have the UTM spit out the string with the given abbreviation if the first N bits on the tape are not all zeros.