This is specifically for the public sector. The fact that it is open source make it adaptable to different scenarios.
This is specifically for the public sector. The fact that it is open source make it adaptable to different scenarios.
This is pretty interesting, I never used that before and I will have a look. However, it would be also interesting using my approach, use a local interface where the traffic is already filtered, that can be used on other scenarios.
There is probably something on a docker configuration telling that all my traffic should go out from the default interface.
Per carita’, sono OT ma ancora non capisco perche’ continuare ad utilizzare Windows viste le alternative.
Bene che se parli ma da quello che ho letto non sembra sia una backdoor.
Not sure why you say that, all projects I’m seeing they ALL include FOSS, sometimes they just specify if one is European and another one no. Also, and to be fair this is the main reason your post make no sense, there is not only software but mainly services and goods as core part of the projects.
My opinion is that the US already has access to Apple devices data. If we consider this to be true, what the UK is trying to do it’s to match a possible enemy capabilities. Is this a valid point though? This woudn’t make this action less wrong, I must to be clear, but it would be more undestandable.
Che tristezza davvero, anche in Europa inizia il vero declino dei diritti. Noi pensavamo il fascismo fosse stato sconfitto. Ci sbagliavamo, era vivo e vegeto, aspettava soltanto il momento giusto.
Ciao, utilizzo ProtonVPN e posso dirti che va bene. Il vantaggio maggiore lo si ha se si utilizzano anche gli altri servizi che Proton offre, come nel mio caso.
Come hanno detto altri, l’hardware raid e’ assolutamente non necessario. Usa ZFS. Se non hai molta dimestichezza con i file systems, usa truenas. Io uso proxmox con Truenas virtualizzato.
Hello, I was going to create a post about this. Is there any petition, anything we can do to push for this to happen? can we create one and spread it among eu political parties or organization that can help?