• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • That is a perfect summary! I do not trust the general public with neo-nazi propaganda, and have no qualms with banning it. Time has proven that dumb people are going to read it and drag down the rest of us. Nobody should be arguing with them at this point in history. The 1990’s and 2000’s were proving grounds for free speech absolutism for dumbasses, and it has failed miserably with the far-right power grabs that have been happening since. I want a better society, not a perfect one.

  • Not sure how to react to a neo-nazi book club at the local high school doing membership drives though. There are always going to be people, regardless of society’s guidance and teachings, who are extra susceptible to that kind of shit.

    I think free speech absolutism leads to tolerating the intolerant, which just doesn’t work when you are dealing with imperfect primate neurological evolution. People experience the uncaring universe, and our brains struggle to identify the complex and nuanced systems at the root of strife, causing them to look for simpler answers (Jewish space lasers vs. incomprehensible market interactions that over-exploit delicate ecosystems causing droughts). Our brains are set up to tackle problems at smaller scales, and what better way than scapegoating can you reduce a root cause to be more manageable? Mental gymnastics only have to be done once.

    You can educate most people to equip them to defeat neo-nazi rhetoric logically, but humans cannot be programmed with the right answers and society will always produce some fuck-ups. Is it easier to prevent a new member of a hate group by banning their ideas, or let them ruin an innocent life and attempt to rehab them after?

  • If you parameterize your selections, it will help you find parts that are currently the cheapest, like so: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/4mhPpB

    Remove the cooler if you stick with a CPU like the Ryzen 7700 which comes bundled with one (and you don’t mind some noise). If you get a cooler anyway, then you might as well take the bump up to the 7800X3D.

    Remove the AMD GPUs from the filter if you care about DLSS/RTX. AMD historically has better Linux compatibility though.

    Case is subjective so swap however you fancy, as long as the front is mesh.

    Take off the RAM if your existing kit is 6000+ (or you want to save some cash despite the small performance hit). 16GB+ is already enough for the vast majority of games, as long as you stick to a single pair of sticks for stability.

    Edit: It just dawned on me that the existing 24GB you have is probably not DDR5, even though the build you posted requires it. You can’t use old DDR4 on newer platforms, so plan on ditching it with the old board. Alternatively, you could skip the whole build and just get the best GPU that your power supply can handle, if your current CPU is not too old. You will get better suggestions if you can post your old specs first.