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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • This isn’t the place for me if I disagree with you in allowing bullying based on righteous attitudes.

    Gotcha. All the way.

    You also have no time to address the specific but enough time to come at me and “soft threaten me”.

    The level of circlejerk is way higher than I expected when I first started. Thanks for clearing it all up.

    It’s our way (of bullying) or the highway, and we will hide beyond the pretense of minority status (without even knowing who are we talking with, which is extra levels of hilarious).

    I just hope you would be more honest about it. Not so disingenuous about it.

    Reminder before the ban or whatever , that It was all unprompted. Toodles. Good luck with your whole enclosure.

  • I don’t particular want to engage too much on this but I guess if you think the user was being nice then you have a very inconsistent view.

    My take, looking at the reactions, is that it’s less so a safe space and more a place to bully dissent if you have a specific righteous attitude.

    And we can look at the user’s specific interactions in the Reddit link they provided or with me. Calling generic “transphobia” doesn’t cut it.

    If after looking at that you’re 100% in agreement of their actions then revising your rules to be more honest will avoid similar conversations or encounters.

  • Only if that rule is accurately defined. It’s definitely not occuring in the link provided unless you consider “getting bullied and disagreeing with other user” transphobia.

    I’m not going to engage with the other user anymore. They want freedom to insult and censor because “they’re righteous”. It’s not an attitude that’s specific to one group, mind you, but it’s definitely an enlightening interaction in the context of this thread.

    Authortiarianism doesn’t sit well with me and I consider it an absolute no but I’m playing by the instance rules. I don’t think they are but it is what it is.

    We’ll see how this space develops. Individual users are not relevant, anyway, but the aggregate.

  • I don’t know why you would share that link thinking it reflects what you initially said.

    I will avoid continuing this conversation because I don’t think it will get anywhere but to me, it’s clear who is bullying whom and who misrepresents opinions as “denying your right to exist” and allows no debate.

    It’s easy to think being righteous does not make you a bully but that’s exactly how mobs operate, by thinking their righteous ends justify the means.

  • I’d word it as, you don’t want the risk of other people writing a specific opinion on a specific topic that you don’t agree with.

    Because the whole “right to exist” thing is very relative and dependent on framing.

    It’s very common that criticism of X is taken as “you are -ism” or if you’re not voting exactly how I tell you to then you are denying my rights to exist. There’s lot of nuance In conversations of “where does my rights end and yours start” but the typical thing I see is “I want there to be no discussion about this, only axiom A”.

    Reddit is not dead, only time will tell what happens with but I’d say Reddit is pretty much like what you talk about, with some slight variations on niche places.

  • Fun fact. Your take just made me sign up there too.

    I actually seek different perspectives and don’t quite agree with any particular place that is very “ideologically packeted” like most tend to. Where “they insult” and “we don’t, because if they feel insulted is because of Reality and how right we are”.

    I’m new to all this fediverse and I’m curious to see how different niche interests develop and if we can actually form the usefulness that Reddit threads could have or if it’s a unique and different usefulness…

  • I don’t pretend to change anything of how this place works, specially considering it’s federated and, as you say, presumably different spaces can be forked and “set up their own rules”.

    I remain, however quite keen to see if the “no hate speech” is a consistent thing or simply a “hate is ok against the right targets” and “being on the other side of X issue is hate speech” (e.g.: any controversial topic such as being against a particular war, being in favor of/against political party X, expressing views opposed to government policies, not sharing a specific view by the demographic majority of the site (Usually US/UK/AUS)).

    Ideally, I can set up something where I can get exposure to many views and go here and there without having to feel I’m in X circlejerk and the narrative is packet Y, that comes with all these predetermined views in this overton window.

    In a way, the more I have access to, the better. Because I can move from side to side learning about the others. Obviously, this view is not shared by many and thet would gladly censor 75% of the space to preserve the right way, claiming it’s “moderation”. I don’t disagree on moderation but I think that we’re too interfered at this point that we don’t even see how little room we have for discussion (which then creates very narrow discussions in different niches).

    In any case, sorry for the stream of consciousness. Excited to see how all this works and hopefully I’m able to participate and gain insights from a wide array of perspectives in a wide descentralized network.