Coloured punch cards? I have no idea either.
Coloured punch cards? I have no idea either.
Grew up in the 16-bit generation and loved it but every time I fire up a retro emulator I can’t get past the graphics. Some things are just better off as memories.
The good news is you and Tim are unlikely to be attending the same class of barbecues.
Having said that, I’ve postponed my MacBook purchase as part of my boycott of the US. And because as nice as Apple hardware is, it’s hard to shake the feeling that they’re just treading water.
The Fediverse is a confusing concept. I’m a giant nerd and even I don’t really understand how this is supposed to work. Centralized platforms provide a more straightforward user experience. And as others have said, that’s where the content is right now.
It’s become increasingly difficult to find French teachers.
Absolutely you should go for it. I’ve redone my set up multiple times over the years on the same hardware. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes because I accidentally nuked it, and sometimes because I wanted to get rid of cruft.
There was a time when I didn’t even know what Docker was and just relied on Portainer, for example. Or mergerfs instead of ZFS. Yeah, you end up redoing a lot of grunt work but that’s how you learn.