• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Shouldn’t have invested in Russia. It was a bad business decision and you have to live with the consequences. The article is written as if the West is to blame for the sanctions. The facts are very clear: Russia invaded.

    The writing was on the wall for years. Ukraine warned the EU, the Baltics had been concerned for years, and these companies idiotically increased their investments in Russia. At the latest once the war started it should’ve been clear that exiting Russia was going to be necessary, if not forced.

    Want to blame somebody? Blame Russia.

  • The root of the problem is treating universities as a business. Education should be free. I find this sentence particularly disgusting

    Mark Corver, the chief executive of DataHE, a higher education consultancy, said the reliance on international student fees was a symptom of the previous government’s failure to increase domestic tuition fees from £9,250 for nearly eight years

    It’s a failure to increase tuition??? What the goddamn fuck is wrong with you people? Are you trying to become the USA?

    The UK is so fucked…

  • Are you ignorant or just unwilling to accept that the cheap products you buy are made by children, minorities, and people living in abject poverty? Do you not know about the workers of fast fashion or are you just blissfully unaware? Have you never heard of the cobalt mines in Congo? Or are you conveniently ignoring it to buy yet another smartphone that will end up in a landfill in Asia because we ship our trash there?

    Or do you just not give a fuck because you have to “take of me first”? Fuck the brown people right? Fuck the poors of other nations. They were born to make products for us, right? They have no right to try and flee the conditions we helped create and continue to create. They should just accept their fate and die as teenagers in mine while citizens of their age in exploiting countries can enjoy tiktok.

  • The comments in the article are spot on. NATO, the US, and the EU have failed at ending the war. They are way too fucking slow. They could be ramping up production like in war times and helping Ukraine, but none of that is happening. Ukrainians are dying daily and have been for 2 years, yet they lack proper support. It’s just enough to keep them going, but not more while the suits just count their money and spout platitudes.

    “We must defeat Russia”. Fucking arm Ukraine to the teeth then, you dumb pigs. Sanctioning Russia is barely making a dent on the frontline.