• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Honestly, that 180 day window thing is nominal. The execution of all of that will take way longer with all of the litigation that would happen, and it’ll take a couple of years to get it all enacted (slow at first then accelerating as more gets enacted).

    Personally, I’d prefer if it were fast. The sudden change would wake people up, and cause way more civil unrest. If it’s slow, we end up as frogs slowly boiling. Fewer people will protest or cause issues if things unfold slowly. It’s the idea of the frog in the boiling water. If the changes are swift, there’s a higher chance of ordinary people taking notice and fighting to reverse them.

  • Les questions de support et de responsabilité peuvent également être un facteur : il peut y avoir une perception de risque plus élevé associé à l’utilisation de logiciels sans garantie ou soutien formel.

    Cette idée est la chose la plus importante pour beaucoup d’entreprises. Je l’ai vu quand j’ai demandé que je change mon ordinateur de travail pour Linux. Je suis vraiment plus confortable avec Linux, et je peux mieux travailler en utilisant Linux. Mais, le chef de mon départment m’a dit que « Sans soutien, Linux et les autres logiciels libres sont interdits. » Ils ne comprennent pas la technologie, alors ils en ont peur.

  • The original paper itself, for those who are interested.

    Overall, this is really interesting research and a really good “first step.” I will be interested to see if this can be replicated on other models. One thing that really stood out, though, was that certain details are obfuscated because of Sonnet being proprietary. Hopefully follow-on work is done on one of the open source models to confirm the method.

    One of the notable limitations is quantifying activation’s correlation to text meaning, which will make any sort of controls difficult. Sure, you can just massively increase or decrease a weight, and for some things that will be fine, but for real manual fine tuning, that will prove to be a difficulty.

    I suspect this method is likely generalizable (maybe with some tweaks?), and I’d really be interested to see how this type of analysis could be done on other neural networks.

  • I’m in Illinois, and my entire family thought I was nuts for supporting bail reform. My cop brother said that we’d have hordes of criminals on the street causing more crime, and my parents again voiced how they “want to move out of state” (because Indiana is sooooooo much better /s). They never could answer why paying to be set free until court was so central to security because it never made sense to tie pre-trial lock up with ability to pay.

    They never bring it up anymore, and for that, I’m grateful.

  • You’re getting downvoted, but you’re right. And that is the reason that using proprietary software and SaaS is a problem. If I’m only buying the right to use a copy of something as a company sees fit, then I’m not really buying anything. I’m essentially paying a company a tribute to use their software in their way.

    Decades ago, it was the same way, but it felt different. We got physical media, and we could do what we wished with the files: modify them, delete them, etc. Hell, the EULAs for some '90s and early '00s software even said you could use the software in perpetuity, and we could use software in anyway we saw fit. The biggest constraint was on selling copies. Back then, and even now, that seems pretty reasonable. (Though, as an aside, it would have been better to also get access to the source code, but I digress.)

    Now, we have to use company’s software exactly how they want us to use it. Personally, I refuse to go along with this (as much as I can), so I have migrated most of my digital life to FLOSS.