F A F O or rather do-vy-yo-by-vah-lys
F A F O or rather do-vy-yo-by-vah-lys
So they routed all traffic in the WH through his sattelites, yay. Do I understand correctly that being an internet provider (and as WH can be singled out) means he can now know what resources everyone there access and force many proxy\VPN options shut? So he can get at least basic understanding if someone access matrix servers or whatever to leak data critical of DOGE, to block things he doesn’t like (e.g. live streaming broadcast for select journalists) or just to get one more reason to fire everyone?
Where can I find audiobooks you talked about? My app probably doesn’t show your userpage right.
Maybe I miss something, but why Laos of all places? I didn’t get what connects her to that particular counrty, could it be her ethnicity as a person who was actually born in another country? Why not Tai? Like, I miss a lot of questions to ask before that, why she’s even deported in the first place, but the seemingly random choice of the country is what surprised me and the article’s writer the most.
Did you just castrate yourself? Good boy, saved your mommy some money!
I am not that person, but I guess you wouldn’t like the ambassadors of fascism to be efficient and competent.
That’s what my bills arriving makes me think about.
Is it even him talking, or someone behind his back rotating him around to scream in one direction or another?
The Sages of the modern day are the lucky few who know which old and boring sites to ask for an answer.
You know, Don, when a man potato and a woman potato love each other…
Fucker Carlson shopping in Moscow can be put there too since he is another head of the MAGA hydra.
I’m team-going completely offline and taking rehab\therapy. I’m not convinced he’d drop his liquidated actives into charity or get involved some other stuff to undo the damage. But I do enjoy the prospects of such future when the most rich person on Earth unintentionally promotes mental health and at least stops his razor-swinging run around every institution.
'Tis not too hard to get why.
Oh, a fellow slav-language enjoyer it seems. I tip my hat to your courage for using that form, for even the seemingly default male-gendered word causes eyerolls around me, not to say about something more rad.
In Warhammer meatballs eat you!
My suspicion is that she’s bored and wants to create her little internet corner, liks a reddit mod wishing a sub into existence. In different social media there were a lot chat-random threads you can be invited into for no particular reason. That’s to observe people, collecting them like trinkets, having some power over them and being an internet microcelebrity.
Idk, that has more sense to it than scamming someone there of all places. People there are not the most gulliable for that sort of scam, but are a diverse bunch of nerds who aren’t bored of old style long posts, conversations and debates, making them a fine material for such purpose.
EDIT: Got my own on this recent acc while other ones spanning years didn’t got it. I copied it, verified the links are what they look like, and proceeded from a clean machine.
Friendica link is a profile with one post (replied to by a Fediverse guy, lol), Discord one is expired, Matrix needs you to be logged into a client and the last one is some matrix-like chat with it’s own registration too I guess? None of these links seem personalized. The name of the last chat says ‘hell’, so I guess it’s indeed a chatrandom kind of a deal, of a 4ch kind.
Can’t judge you for wanting to **** her or whatever, just don’t ask her for freebies. She won’t care if you are a human at that point.
Their work with the games’ projected GUI was properly futuristic and fitting, and it worked well on both consoles and M&B, and in DS mobile side-game too, not to say how gfx still look great all these years after.