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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • __dev@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyztemperature
    4 months ago

    if youre boiling water, it can be any arbitrary temperature above 100.

    That’s not how boiling works. The water heats up to its boiling point where it stops and boils. While boiling the temperature does not increase, it stays exactly at the boiling point. This is called “Latent Heat”, at its boiling point water will absorb heat without increasing in temperature until it has absorbed enough for its phase to change.

    There is an exception to this called superheating

  • Distributed ledger data is typically spread across multiple nodes (computational devices) on a P2P network, where each replicates and saves an identical copy of the ledger data and updates itself independently of other nodes. The primary advantage of this distributed processing pattern is the lack of a central authority, which would constitute a single point of failure. When a ledger update transaction is broadcast to the P2P network, each distributed node processes a new update transaction independently, and then collectively all working nodes use a consensus algorithm to determine the correct copy of the updated ledger. Once a consensus has been determined, all the other nodes update themselves with the latest, correct copy of the updated ledger.

    From your first link. This does not describe how git functions. Did you actually read the page?

    The consensus problem requires agreement among a number of processes (or agents) for a single data value. Some of the processes (agents) may fail or be unreliable in other ways, so consensus protocols must be fault tolerant or resilient. The processes must somehow put forth their candidate values, communicate with one another, and agree on a single consensus value.

    From your second this. Again this description does not match with git.

    You’re right in that automation is not technically required; you can build a blockchain using git by having people perform the distribution and consensus algorithms themselves. Obviously that doesn’t make git itself a blockchain in the same way it doesn’t make IP a blockchain.

  • __dev@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldPlease Stop
    4 months ago

    Well, I’m saying Circulor is most likely lying about their “blockchain” actually being a blockchain, or that they’ve pointlessly set up extra nodes to perform redundant work in order to avoid technically lying.

    Blockchain is completely pointless without 3rd parties being part of the network. It’s like me saying I run a personal social network for just myself.

  • Polestar uses contracts and audits to ethically source materials, not blockchain. It uses blockchain as a shitty append-only SQL database to (apparently) tell you where the materials came from. Let me quote from Circulor’s website:

    data can be fed seamlessly to the blockchain via system integration using RESTful Web Service APIs with security and authentication protocols

    So the chain is private and accessible only through a centralized, authenticated REST API. This is a traditional web application. A centralized append-only ledger is not even a blockchain.

  • It’s a natural result of their election system. First-past-the-post strongly disincentivizes third parties from running due to the “spoiler effect” - say there was a similar candidate to Biden that was pro-Palestine, any votes for this candidate take away votes from Biden thus making it easier for Trump to win. Most people don’t align with either party, but they don’t get much of a choice.

  • So you push digital goods to a robust public platform like IPFS and tie decryption to a signed, non-revokable, rights token that you own on a block chain.

    What you describe is fundamentally impossible. In order to decrypt something you need a decryption key. Put that on the blockchain and anyone can decrypt it.

    Even if you can, pirates would only need to buy a single decryption key and suddenly your movie might as well be freely available to download. Pirates never pay hosting fees because it’s using the same infrastructure as customers and they can’t be taken down because they’re indistinguishable from customers.