An avid meme observer and Fediverse enthusiast.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Juu kyllä täällä ainakin joitain on. Itse aloin lajittelemaan kaikki syötteet uusimmat ensin jo ekan päivän aikana, niin en ole tuohon ongelmaan törmännyt. Kannattaa tehdä sama ellet vielä ole.

    Internetin kuolemasta; ei se kaiketi ihan vielä kupsahtanut ole. Pitänee odottaa kunnes Youtuben uusista videoista ei löydy muuta kuin AI:n tekemää.

  • In recent years I’ve run some experiments on what works for me and what doesn’t. ‘6h for work - 9h for rest - 9h for whatever’ division seems to work wonders for me, with one day off in a week.

    Trying to sleep less than 9h just messes everything up, unless I divide the sleep into two sections. Funny how that works. Extra 1.5h of being awake, especially during the productive night hours, was quite nice. But I hate waking up, and doing that twice a day is just simply too much!

  • I suppose I’m on the opposite side of visualization spectrum. I can easily conjure images so realistic and detailed that they pass for the real thing. I can also add texture, smells, temperature, sound, etc. but I can’t fake weight or pure white color which for some reason always turns out somewhat grey or beige.

    I don’t think much in words however, most of my thoughts are in images and sensations. Which does make verbal communication somewhat challenging at times.

    Sometimes the realism of visualization worries me somewhat. Many mental processes have a tendency to get a bit out of conscious control, and it would be quite troublesome to no longer know which of the things I see are actually real. On the plus side, I can visualize paintings on my walls, without actually buying any! I like having no decorations in my home, which seems to confuse people. Perhaps I should start comparing it to a blank canvas…

  • In general and if you don’t know the person you’re making the recommendation to, agreed. But I know several people I’d definitely recommend (and have recommended) Arch to as the first distro. Even just the installation process is so educational, it’s a worthy starting point, after some general youtube videos perhaps. If someone just wants to take Linux for a quick test drive, Arch definitely isn’t the way to go.

    Although, I’ll admit I’m not sure how to describe the type of people I’d recommend it to. If their interest is less practical, and more theoretical. Or if they get really into their hobbies and like to tinker and poke at things to see what happens. Or if they just have an endless curiosity and need to understand. Surprisingly many people I know fall into these categories.