• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • Well, no. For two reasons: the first is that other quote i pasted in where he says he explicitly doesn’t care if it’s Biden (or Harris, or “warm vomit”) he’s voting for who - or, theoretically what-ever it is.

    This just reads to me as the standard “while I too would love to have progressive policy, here’s my 25 passionately argued reasons we should just pursue centrist policies”. It’s a sentence to say “I’m with you, now let me spend all my effort arguing against you” that mainstream Dems trot out.

    So I read it as, the media are not inclined to actually do their jobs and put paid to trumps constant lying and his grotesque unqualifiedness, despite nominally having held the position before. They won’t do it because it’s less profitable, but more importantly, it’s no fun.

    People dig into trumps mania because you either love it or hate it - if you ignore it, that defaults to the ‘love’ category. Like people who ignore a raging house fire they’re in.

    Any change to the ticket - in fact no change to the ticket - means more of the same. Commentators and journalists will not help save democracy. It doesn’t get clicks, and it’s just “no fun”.

    Oh, I agree with all of that, but this isn’t coming out in a void. He didn’t write this thread a month ago. It’s not like only now have the media followed this pattern. He wrote it when the thing they’re doing is (admittedly happily) covering a real campaign to swap Biden. The implication to me is that this is just evergreen shitting on Dems, not a real issue for true Democrats, and a change would somehow generate just as damaging coverage so why are you letting them cause discord.

    And if the argument is really just “the media will be harsh to the new candidate”, yes, everyone knows that and no one is arguing otherwise. But there’s a difference between picking at trivialities and not ignoring one of the biggest election stories of the cycle, and the former is far better for us. And it can’t happen with Biden.

  • Biden’s already been losing the base. I think just changing away from his does wonders for base motivation. No messy questions around Gaza, no age hanging over us, a new voice able to say “we’ll do something different” for things that aren’t going well.

    Plus then we can hammer Trump for being old and incoherent. He wasn’t good at the debate (or all his nonsense stream of consciousness speeches), but Biden’s jumbled speeches (before this) didn’t give us a good footing to be much harsher toward it. “Democrats have chosen a new nominee who will actually be alive in 10 years, Republicans are stuck with an elderly man who slurs his words, forgets things, and talks nonsense about getting eaten by sharks”.

  • Progressive Dem campaigns are essentially free because the voters themselves are donating the bulk of the money.

    Ya, people forget that Bernie was always the top money raiser during the primary and Warren was usually #2, both on small donations. And that was during the primary when individual donations from Democrats were spread across many options.

    In February 2020, Bernie + Warren raised $67M in individual donations. The entire rest of the crowd totaled $56M. Democrat individual donations can put out $123M in single month. For a primary, in a single month.

    When it was Biden alone going into the 2020 general, he was pulling in $160M in small donations. That’s more than Trump raised during most of his 2016 campaign. We don’t need to be beholden to these large donors.

  • Not everything, but it’s incredibly easy to fall into something being an official act, and most things of consequences would end up there, especially if you’re a corrupt president planning to use this ruling. There are a few constitutionally-defined acts that are 100% absolute immunity, but the ruling also gives a presumption of immunity to other official acts that are not defined. That’s why they’re sending it back to the lower court - to determine which acts were official. Which will then be appealed and affirmed and then appealed back to the Supreme Court. But by the time they have to grant immunity, the election will be over. They very much did not want to make a decision about what acts were official so they wouldn’t have to make explicit that Trump is immune until after the election.