Electronics Technician, geek, happily married, and an aspiring author. Come check out my serial, “No Need For A Core?”

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Allow me to introduce my wife’s ice cream recipe. Obviously, your base is going to be different, but I’ll post the whole recipe here to make sure I don’t miss anything.

    Strawberry Ice Cream with Lemon and Mint Note: This is more than one batch worth of ice cream (approximately 1 ½ batch for the size ice cream maker I have at home). Fill your ice cream maker to the level recommended by your machine’s instructions. Don’t worry about your mix sitting in the fridge while waiting for your bowl to re-freeze, it just allows the flavors to meld more. Don’t worry about the berries getting too soft. It is ice cream, they will be slightly more firm than everything else, no matter how long it sits. Since my household likes lemon and mint, the below listed amounts are minimum, we tend to use more. Once your ice cream is ready, it finishes beautifully with a bit of huckleberry balsamic vinegar poured over the top when served.

    Ingredients: Approximately 32 ounces by volume of fresh strawberries, washed and stems removed
    3 tablespoons of lemon juice, more if lower quality(or to taste)
    1 cup sugar, divided (into 0.25 cup and 0.75 cup)
    1.5 cup heavy cream
    0.5 cup whole milk
    2 tablespoon fresh mint, minced (or to taste)
    Pinch salt
    3 large egg yolks
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    approximately 1 lemon’s worth of zest, finely grated (or to taste)


    1. In mixing bowl, blend approximately half the strawberries with a stick blender. Chop remaining strawberries (to slightly larger than chocolate chip, so that it does not clog the ice cream machine) and add to same mixing bowl. Add 0.25 cup sugar and lemon juice. Stir together. Set aside in fridge for at least an hour to macerate.
    1. In a small saucepan, warm the dairy, 0.75 cup sugar, salt and mint. Warm the milk mixture, whisking to incorporate flavors.
    1. Whisk egg yolks together with vanilla extract; then temper: when the milk mixture is warm, slowly spoon into the egg yolks, whisking to keep from cooking eggs. Repeat several times until eggs and milk mixture are approximately the same temperature, then whisk yolks into the mixture. On medium to medium-low heat, thicken mixture until it coats the back of a spoon. Let cool.
    1. Combine milk mixture with strawberry mixture and lemon zest and mix well. Chill in fridge until cold enough for your ice cream maker (at least an hour).
    1. Pour into ice cream maker and follow manufacturer instructions.
    1. Serve immediately for soft serve, or place in Freezer for firmer texture.

    (extremely loosely based off of “Strawberry Ice Cream Like Ben and Jerry’s”, and “Homemade Ice Cream: Perfect Custard Base”)

  • Being an ally doesn’t need to be about showing it aggressively. I’m also cishet, and consider myself an ally, but I generally don’t have any flags or such, because I don’t do flags for anything. However, when I was streaming a lot, I specifically labeled my channel as being a safe space, I police my discord (or would, but there’s been no need so far, so just a watchful presence. :) ), and in the serial I am writing, societies are very friendly to non-cishet individuals and partnerships. The only time gender in a couple has been an issue was in a conversation regarding a potential heir, and that was resolved simply by having the title pass through a sibling instead. There were some magic options available as well, but neither partner wanted to deal with the other issues there.

  • technically any MMO (or other RPG) that lets you build a female character, but I would say FFXIV as there are a lot of interesting female secondary protags.

    Hmm, by that standard, Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous both qualify, though opinions on the NPC companions vary.

    Nier: Automata

    Immortals: Fenyx Rising

    A couple of the Star Ocean games let you choose between a Male or Female protag.

  • Elves… As wise as they are old. And of course they all old, right? I mean, it’d be unthinkable for the wandering Elf spouting wisdom of the ancients for the low low price of $699.99 (plus gratuity) to not be old. R-Right?

    points at my wife’s Pathfinder character, a 16-year-old kitsune pretending to be a 116-year-old elf girl

    Check it out! Fashion revolution, new styles and the hottest new designs to wear in the post-apocalypse world!

    So, Post-apocalypse JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures?

    A deep intrigue story filled with deep plots where everyone has their own interests. It’s for a baking competition.

    But we already have The Great British Bake Off. ;P

  • My process is influenced by my story’s nature/how I am publishing it: I am writing a character-driven serial on Royal Road. This means I am writing chapters of about 2000 words, and they are generally a fair amount over (I try to not let a chapter be less than 1800, but some chapters just are short before the next section that will be long is going to start).

    Each chapter roughly represents a scene, 2-3 very short scenes, or a significant piece of a very long scene and I need to find a suitable break point.

    So that is what I am aiming for when I sit down to write. I want to complete a scene/chapter. I don’t want a dangling thread. I want someone to be able to read this chapter and not feel like I just randomly stopped somewhere.

    It’s in my not-writing time that I think about the rest of the plot and potential future scenes etc. Well, I try to organize it that way, which doesn’t always work. But this is how I focus my writing overall.

  • Heh, I feel a little qualified to provide some thoughts here. I have ADHD, and technically just barely kind of qualify as ‘pro’ (three whole Patreon patrons!), but I do have over 200k words published with almost 900 followers, so there is that. And this is what has worked for me, it won’t work for everyone.

    1. Figure out if you are a planner or panster. If the task of creating an outline means that you will probably never get around to writing, then you are best off being a panster.

    2. If you are a panster, you probably want character-driven stories. Sure, you can have conflict and antagonists, but your characters are going to be acting and doing interesting things based on their personalities and desires. Plot happens to help drive character development, so don’t try and make the plot anything too complicated, it’s just a tool of your real story.

    3. Write the story you want to tell. Create a few characters that you like in a setting/scenario that you find interesting. These should be people you want to get to know, and a situation at least moderately interesting to see how they cope with. High-stakes drama is not required (and may not be desirable).

    4. Let yourself daydream about the story when doing the things that make your mind wander anyway, such as washing dishes or other chores. And if you daydream to go to sleep, do it then too. Keeps ideas churning about future developments.

    5. Figure out how much (or how little) extra stimulation you need. This may vary. I often but not always enjoy having a music selection playing (Heavy on the Final Fantasy OSTs), and I have a civ game running that I can take breaks with for a turn of play and then back to writing (it’s not hard to set up a modded game where it takes an hour to process a turn once you have enough cities)

    6. Have more than one story to tell in the same world. This way every bit of world-building you do for any story helps all of them, and you can switch to writing a different story when your brain fizzes out on the primary story.

    I’ll add more thoughts later as they come to me.