I just finished watching Wicked on the pirate ship. It was a nice musical, not sure how they are going to top the first part of the movie in the second film. But I will be waiting for its release this year ( I think? )
I just finished watching Wicked on the pirate ship. It was a nice musical, not sure how they are going to top the first part of the movie in the second film. But I will be waiting for its release this year ( I think? )
Does anyone know of an lgbt+ safe pokemon server for gaming and discussion on Matrix
Why do you expect them to do better? Do they have a track record of doing that in the past? I’m relatively new to Apple
lots of sequels coming out. They ran out of ideas continuously it seems. Even though it’s Pixar, one of the greatest storytelling producers of all time- I’m glad they are coming out with movies not worth watching. One day they’re gonna wake up to too many poor selling movies and either defunct as a company ( along with Disney ) or actually relearn how to write decent movies.
Do I think Coco 2 will be good? I do not know, but Pixar went on record saying they want to do something like put less “relatable stories” in their stories and I don’t think this will end well for them 🤔
I use mastodon to read about what scientists and environmentalists are writing. So not really for social, more like science based post viewing
Thanks for hurting the environment I guess. Could have just boycotted tesla products and corporate tesla
Me either I’m new here too
I have many favorites but my above the rest one is super Mario sunshine. I can replay that one over and over and never get tired of it. I also like how difficult it is to try to 100% it
They’re probably just an asshole; just ignore them
So far it’s been good. I’m learning about how computers function and listening to some Kirby music ( yeah from the video game )
I love seeing people build simple or complex ereaders. It’s always interesting
I got sick and it’s also been raining near me. I’ll just be watching movies and doodling
I only bought games that cost 1.99 like portals 2 and undertale
Thanks for the link! This is helping a bunch since I’ve taken a really long break from studying Japanese and I don’t really recognize most of the katakana/ hiragana
Make sure you are safe!
I hate flying; it hurts the planet I live on
Mastodon and MakerTube
I just want to gain more knowledge to help me better navigate the world and try to help the animals on the planet. Since there is global warming and microplastics and other things we need to help the animals with. But there’s also reading just for the joy of it