• 51 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • And I didn’t say this was limited to iPhones. I mentioned that this could be said of any company when they make devices in the millions. Would you prefer Samsung next? Sony?

    When your entire “proof” of lack of quality is mostly speculative articles and random Reddit articles, then it shows you pretty much have no proof. Yes, there was one or two real things, but that isn’t enough to paint an entire brand and series as bad. If this was all anything took to prove something lacks quality, then everything lacks quality, is a disaster, etc…

  • It is a bad thing as it happened just at a transitional period in chargers. If it was just another USB A connector, then it wouldn’t have been an issue. But we are now in the transition of USB C chargers and most people don’t have a “box of them”.

    Newer devices are advertising that they have ever faster charging options, but these need the newer USB C connectors to reach these advertised speeds, which as I mentioned, most people don’t already have. So you are stuck buying another thing to use what they were advertised as having.