• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • Conservatism is the minority in America, and rarely wins through above average voter turnout, which is why they do everything in their power to gerrymander and disenfranchise voters. That doesn’t change the following facts:

    1. The “resign” efforts are a campaign spearheaded by the fascist propaganda machine (because they have no platform beyond fascist dictatorship).

    2. Anyone and anything, from a dementia ward patient to a wet sack of shit, is more qualified and deserving than every 21st C Republican.

    3. Biden is in noticeable cognitive decline, his debate performance was ridiculous, he probably will not live another 4 years, and isn’t there because he’s the best choice.

  • If there are any legitimate future historians, all 20th/21st C conflicts will be viewed as a game of thrones between oligarchs, their cronies, and their religions — no different to the monarchs that came before.

    Our entire justice system, and all International law, is written by those who control capital, and they are free to break and rewrite is as they see fit. There is nothing stopping them from condemning genocide while committing genocide, nor from telling you that their genocide is actually the epitome of freedom™️ and justice™️. Our “democracies” will be viewed as Capitalist oligarchies that are, functionally, dictatorships — you can vote, but there is a statistical certainty that almost every choice on the ballot is determined by political “donations” (e.g. those who hold the most capital), and anyone who doesn’t maintain the status quo is weeded out before they become a significant threat.

  • Outlook is garbage. Everything Microsoft does is garbage and consumer hostile, except for visual studio code. Anyone who’s used Google business apps knows this. Teams is such an unproductive joke I refuse to work for any company that uses it. It’s evidence a company is cheap and values cost cutting more than efficiency.

    I had a family 365 account to backup my parent’s shit. Even though their PC’s were logged into their fucking Microsoft accounts, and backed up to OneDrive, Outlook displayed ads and couldn’t be linked to their subscription without changing their account emails. Ads were also re-inserted into their OS, even though I already ran multiple scripts to disable them all previously. Complete joke. Cancelled that shit.

  • Patriotism is ingrained from birth like religion — They’re forced to pledge allegiance to the flag through schooling, taught little about the world outside the US, and constantly propagandised by politics, hollywood, and capitalism from all angles; non-stop affirmation that the USA is the greatest Democracy™️ in the world, and their Freedoms™️ are the free-est free that ever freedomed.

  • The researchers were also perplexed by the incredibly small sizes of these systems, only a few hundred light years across, roughly 1,000 times smaller than our own Milky Way. The stars are approximately as numerous as in our own Milky Way galaxy—with somewhere between 10 billion and 1 trillion stars—but contained within a volume 1,000 times smaller than the Milky Way.

    That kinda self-explains why there’s a supermassive black hole at the center of this young galaxy (all galaxies) right? As in the early universe was small and lumpy, with the first matter so close together, that it rapidly formed supermassive stars and black holes — maybe the density was so high that the first stars had no time to supernova and distribute higher elements; with billions of stars colliding into black holes over hundreds/thousands of years, each collision jumping the event horizon to insta-absorb thousands more stars at the speed of gravity/light — the first black holes going through a rapid period of exponential growth, getting to 50+% of their current size within a fraction of their entire existence.