WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Like, I’m the sperm donor, not the one who carried them for nine months.

    Neither of my moms birthed us and that doesn’t make them any less of moms. And we don’t even talk to the person who birthed us (we probably have talked to our formally anonymous sperm donor more recently and are on better terms with him). You shouldn’t let irrelevant things make you feel like you are less of a mom. If its a compromise for your children, that seems like a good enough reason to accept “dad”, but you shouldn’t feel like you would be an imposter (or you should at least realize those feelings aren’t rational).

  • I realized I was some flavor of trans about two years ago. At first, I considered myself agender and not cis, but didn’t accept the trans label (that didn’t last long so its still about 2 years either way - I still like the agender label I think, but also consider myself transfem). Started HRT almost 3 weeks ago.

    Part of the delay was not sure HRT was right for me. Specifically didn’t know if boobs were something I wanted to deal with, so I tested them out via breast forms, including going cosplay back in November.

    Another is I worried about how it would affect my ability to earn money, so I wanted to save up a lot first.

    Another reason for waiting is a I wanted to at least come out to my parents and sister before starting (which I still have not done).

    Anyways, finally decided to start because we were considering getting a house and if so, that would have delayed savings goals far too long. At the same time, my sister announced being pregnant and I realized I didn’t like the idea of being an uncle.

    I still am not certain and wonder if I should quit taking HRT. I don’t really have a reason why I should stop, but given I don’t consider myself a woman, it feels like I’m breaking some sort of rules that I intellectually don’t believe should exist (if someone wants HRT, it shouldn’t matter what their gender is). And of course anxiety related to discrimination is still a thing, particularly given my field of work and the state I’m in. Also, the anxiety of having an appointment for getting HRT (the lack of specific goals and using my very gendered birthname made me feel particularly like an imposter during the appointment) and anxiety starting (despite being really happy about it) I think triggered quite significant feelings of dissociation before I started, so at the time I started, my thoughts were basically “the me of a few days ago decided I should take this, so I’m going to, but I have a hard time feeling like that person was me and I feel disconnected for my current feelings.”

  • The US government provides weapons for the genocide.

    One of the main campuses in the protests is opening a campus in Israel, which students are opposing until Israel ends genocide and apartheid.

    Many of the campuses donate money to or have partnerships with candidates and organizations that are also complicit in the genocide.

    Of course Israel isn’t going to stop genocide because a bunch of college students in the US don’t like it. But that doesn’t mean students have to sit idly as their tuition dollars go to fund genocide.

  • When I was making that kind of money, I still saved way more than 5%. Granted, after inflation, it is like $11.50 now. Still, 10% would have been pretty easy. 20% would be possible if I didn’t blow money on things like spend $3K on a bike for hobby use. Also, that’s assuming you don’t have unexpected expenses. I lived somewhere where having a car wasn’t necessary, so that made a huge different in budgeting. And when I needed surgery, I was lucky with insurance. Otherwise, that could have easily have eaten up the savings I had.

    So 15% is definitely possible… with lots of luck and good circumstances.

  • Sounds more like a way to make almost everyone annoyed. All the text would be more awkward for every player, so people who don’t care about NB pronouns would justifiably be annoyed: it would actually be a case of identity politics making a product clearly worse (granted, it would be conservative identity politics that caused it), unlike all the times conservatives get mad because minorities exist in media sometimes. And NBs would know the dev put in more work to change all lines of text to remove all personal pronouns just to avoid adding another option for them. It would be a much more direct “fuck you” than doing nothing at all.

    I wish English did not overuse pronouns (personal or otherwise) because of the ambiguity and misunderstandings caused by pronouns, but if its gonna change its going to have to start with people changing how they use the language, not some 8 year old game to try to shoehorn in.

  • Depends how you read the “and”, it is only a statement about those who are “trans AND nonbinary”, not “trans OR nonbinary”. Would be a weird choice of wording though. Not sure how many people would consider themselves in the group of non-binary and not trans, but certainly lots of agender people consider themselves not trans, but those same people I think typically don’t consider themselves non-binary either and typically wouldn’t care that much about pronouns to begin with. Also doubt there are many binary trans people who use pronouns that aren’t the default for their binary gender (ie: women who use he/him or neopronouns. Maybe xenopronouns among furries? But like I feel like a lot of those people mostly do it as a criticism of the institution of gender and don’t actually take them serious?).

    Anyways, agreed they just seem to be trying to be over-the-top with the wording, but understandable that someone making a petition would feel pressured to write like that. Would be nice to see body-type and pronouns (in games that use them) be separate settings as default in all games. We’ve been able to name our rival “Dickface” since '96. Doesn’t seem like much to ask for similar control of our own character’s pronouns.