Based and logic pilled
Based and logic pilled
We should try it just to be sure
Mixed teams, weight classes, a handicap system. These issues have been solved before the word transgender was even invented. And for some sports a natural advantage is just how it goes. I’ve never heard anyone propose banning tall people from playing basketball. Don’t get me wrong, I understand that what you said is the prevalent opinion and I don’t think it’s neccessarily coming from a bad place. But it’s misinformed and inherently political and I think it’s important to acknowledge that.
how do you guys think about sending woman with abnormally high testosterone to a mostly male team and vice versa?
This for example sounds viable to many people unfamiliar with the matter but in reality we might as well separate athletes by zodiac signs since testosterone levels just aren’t a reliable marker at all.
Another thing I see sometimes is the proposal of an all trans olympic alternative which among other things goes to show that people vastly overestimate the amount of trans athletes thanks to said politicisation.
Blahaj is pretty good. I think you don’t get a downvote option there which I don’t quite understand but the people are chill.
You can’t move your account but you can have multiple acounts with the same name if they’re not on the same instance. In the Voyager app you can stay logged into more than one at the same time. Also you can check out most instances without creating an account so I’d suggest taking a look yourself to see what you like. You can find a list with filter options here.
As a German
I’m honestly shocked that they aren’t more angry about it, at least outwardly.
Same, it’s honestly shameful. Plus this could be an oppurtunity to show teeth without taking a big risk. But our government is busy talking about all the things the new coalition will pretend to do so victims of a fascist uprising aren’t a priority. Travel warnings are overdue and so is getting these people home safely. Otherwise we’re just proving to Trump that we’re as impotent as he thinks we are.
Thanks to modern technology we can watch the whole thing unfold in real time!
I was just thinking the same about the EU. This could send an important message to the world. That it’s not every man for himself just because one country decided to go to shit. But I doubt our leaders even fully share that sentiment.
Der Retro Markt ist echt sehr viel bloat. Vor paar Jahren wär das noch innovativ gewesen aber inzwischen ist N64 Emulation auch normal am PC ohne fpga so gut dass man vermutlich keinen Unterschied merkt. Bzw selbst viele chinesische Handhelds bekommen es mittlerweile zufriedenstellend hin, dann nicht in 4k aber dem Display entsprechend hochskaliert. Nostalgie in allen Ehren aber irgendwann ist auch mal gut.
No offence but
Switzerland is often considered the human rights capital of the world due to the presence of numerous international organisations.
Never heard ansone say that 😅 Not that there are glaring issues or anything but “human rights capital of the world”? Strasbourg houses the European Court of Human Rights, that’s the kind of thing that makes you eligible for that title. Again I have no issues with the Swiss but it just sounds kinda presumptuous.
Ich hab mal nach dem Genuss einer Spaßzigarette einen komletten Becher Röstzwiebeln pur vertilgt. Danach war mir dermaßen schlecht dass ich sie seither nicht nochmal gekauft habe 😅
The paddle factory is already operating at full capacity
Pretty sure it is
At this point they could throw the judge in question off a cliff and get away with it. Like why are people still pretending this can be stopped in a law abiding way?
and they are wonderful pets.
And not just because they lay eggs! Chickens may not be deep thinkers but they’re still interesting to watch and interact with. They have really diverse personalities too.
Any tactical use would quickly escalate to strategic use.
I’d say there is a chance of a large scale conventional counter attack in that scenario but it’s a slim one. Definitely not a risk any sane person would ever take.
That’s the kinda stuff they’ll put in future school books of whatever country comes after Great America.
Er hat das Mad Müll Grinsen
Erdolf is rightfully scared about losing the election. I’m not fully convinced this stunt will do his poll ratings any good though. If his opponent still manages to run this might blow up in his face. Time will tell.