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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I am a documentation writer at my day job. I spend an obscene amount of time writing and rewriting support materials for our software to make sure the instructions are as clean as possible. The end users of the software are busy doctors and nurses so I get why they dont have time to read and just want quick answers from our support team. I get that.

    What I dont forgive is how many times the support team will complain to me that a scenario or a feature isnt in the documentation, despite me bolding, bullet listing, and highlighting THE EXACT THING THEY ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT. I usually relink it to them and screenshot the relevant section.

    People. Do. Not. Read.

  • VaidenKelsier@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldWayne
    1 year ago

    Yeah, this is pretty much it. Survival strategies for most schools are to lay low, don’t draw attention to yourself, and definitely don’t give the bullies easy ammunition.

    In my small town, a three-letter f word slur was employed regularly by pre-teens who had no understanding of what that word meant. You knew they learned it from their parents, because what fucking kid learns that kind of language in the 80s and 90s without the internet?

    Of course people didn’t hear about trans kids. Because if you did, they would have been bullied so much that they’d either leave, or just be a legendary target forever.

    I swear, people forget what it’s like to be in school with aloof administrative staff and shitty peers.

  • It’s the ol’ Blizzard “Look, we’re introducing a new character who might be gay! There’s no lore that references it anywhere, we’re just tellin’ you they’re gay or lesbian, aren’t we great!” kind of maneuver. Ooh, look at the special thing we’re doing, aren’t we playful and fun?

    For the record, I’m all for inclusiveness, I just use Blizzard as an example since they used to be just so transparent about that before the really dark times.