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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Second edit: It turns out that I’ve been misinformed about progressives supporting hate speech censorship. Sorry about the confusion. Have a good night.

    No, you were LIED to by malicious actors trying to turn you against people who are, at least broadly speaking, more aligned with your goals than against. There is a reason communists historically kill social democrats before going after fascists, because they’re afraid of diluting power between similar parties. They want sole power so badly they are willing to risk fascists getting it if they think it gives them a better chance.

    Then here you come with “sorry I’ve been misinformed” like it was an innocent mistake. Either you know you’re acting in bad faith or you’re uncritically regurgitating what others have told you in bad faith. The people telling you that stuff are not your friends, they are just manipulators who want to stir shit between two groups fighting the same enemy.

    So you weren’t misinformed, you just fucked up, try taking some personal responsibility and go back to figure out where you went wrong and who you should be trusting.

  • There are definitely ad supported apps on iOS, they also control the core of all browsers on iOS. Neither Apple or Google really sell data externally, they serve ads to their audience using algorithms trained off vast quantities of user data. Selling the raw data is a bad way to do it because you don’t have control over it after the first sale. Keeping it internal and selling your services is a much more lucrative way to do it if you have a big enough platform. Chromium is google’s way to spy on you online and serve ads, webkit is apple’s. Google allows non chromium browsers on android but apple requires that all iOS browsers are basically just a reskinned safari.