• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Any company taking 2FA seriously will either compensate you for the requirements to fulfill that security, or provide you with the devices necessary. I used to work at Duo. I currently work for another company that does more or less the same thing. Your company’s security team will do whatever it takes to get you compliant because not doing that is on them and not you.

    It’s honestly wild for a company to allow an employee to be on the verge of locked out of critical services and not be resolving that on their own. They have the metrics in duo to be able to see that you have no viable device to 2FA with.

  • Learned this lesson the hard way in my last session - I’ve been making rolls publically for a while, but I made a lethal combat roll against one of my player’s level 1 PC while the rest of the party was too far away to help them.

    I might have been able to find a way to not let them die from an enemy one-shotting them (there were many friendly NPCs nearby) but this would have really gummed up the pace of the game and story. Much easier to just fudge the roll and say they took almost lethal damage instead.

    The trouble of course was the player saw the roll and so knew I’d fudged it. I don’t want to set the precedent that I’m going to pull punches on them, but I definitely don’t want anyone to die in their very first encounter (ever, not just in this campaign) not having made any real mistakes.

    I’m now going to have to makes sure the party understands that was a one-time thing - and hide all my rolls going forward!

  • EDIT: I’ve just done some quick research and it seems like stellarsan is a locally made equivalent to starsan in Australia. It’s probably so much cheaper just because it’s not an import.

    Starsan is a recognizable trusted brand. I know exactly what I’m getting when I buy starsan. I have never before heard of stellarsan and cannot vouch for how well it works. I will say that the fact they’ve specifically chosen a name that could feasibly be confused with the established brand does not bode well for their own legitimacy.

    That’s the reason for the price difference I would guess. Name recognition vs taking a gamble on some unknown brand

    If you must buy online because you don’t have a local homebrew store, I recommend only doing so through a reputable seller that specializes in brewing supplies. Amazon is not ideal, and I’m not sure if kegland can be trusted as I’ve never heard of them. Try to make connections with other brewers in your area and see where they are ordering things from. Sadly, from what I’ve heard Australia is not the easiest place to source…well, anything from lol