I like cake.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • The article is badly researched.

    This “red-green” coalition banned new reactors, announced a shutdown of existing ones by 2022

    The red-green coalition did not announce the 2022 date. They (Greens/SPD) announced a soft phase-out between 2015-2020 in conjunction with building renewables. This planned shift from nuclear to renewables was reverted by Merkel (CDU = conservatives) in 2010. They (CDU) changed their mind one year later in 2011 and announced the 2022 date; but without the emphasis on replacing it with renewables. This back and forth was also quite the expensive mistake by the CDU on multiple levels, because energy corporations were now entitled financial compensation for their old reactors.

  • I‘m fine with discussion. But I see little value in discussing a text with someone who has not read it. We don’t have to guess their intentions when they already wrote it down quite clearly. Neither do I see a reason to doubt their intentions based on timing. Antisemitism (violence against Jews) in Germany has been sharply on the rise in the last few years and it is the job of the Landeszentrale to debunk some of the myths that foster it.

    The main point of the paper is to correct these five myths about Israel and that is what it does. It is very focused on this and one-sided, obviously. One might think it is bad taste to ignore current events. Maybe. But it does exactly what it says and I found it informative.

    Are we supposed to learn and debate history while a people is exterminated?

    Yes. That might be a good first step. It takes about one hour. There is much one can critique Israel for - let’s stick to the truths.

  • Nobody was arrested for supporting Palestine. Not a single person. Some specific people within the protests were temporary arrested for calling to murder Jews. That’s an important difference. Calling to murder someone is a crime in Germany. Their personal data was registered and they will maybe have to pay a fine. That’s how a state of law operates against non-violent crime in progress. You cannot just let it happen.

    Immigration policy was not changed to align with European fascists. The fascists want to stop immigration and deport all migrants and their descendants. Immigration under Green party policy is not only possible but wanted (and needed).

    Ukraine is not run by Neo-Nazis. I’d suggest you to stop watching so much Russian propaganda.

  • Nobody was arrested for protesting against Israel or genocide in Germany. That’s a blatant lie. Some people are being arrested temporary for their call to murder all Jews. There is a clear difference: There are thousands of people protesting peacefully against Israel’s war - only a few of them are overstepping hard while doing so. Stopping these select people from committing further crimes in accordance with the state of law is called nuance.

    Don’t commit crimes in Germany (call for murder) and nobody will arrest you.