• 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Man, this situation is fucking rough.

    We all want the same thing: Continuation of democracy by ensuring Trump never touches office again.

    But… Biden is obviously a qualified politician, a sitting incumbent which boosts his chances of keeping the job, and doing everything he can to be a good leader. On the other hand… I mean, we all know how things ended with Ruth Bader Ginsberg. She was one of the best Supreme Court Justices ever, and because she did EXACTLY what Biden is doing now and held onto the job even when it might not be appropriate to do so… Well, that’s how we got Amy Coney-Barrett, a hard right supreme court, and the complete ruination of everything good that RBG ever did, all over that one mistake.

    If replacing Biden with someone else was obviously possible, it would be a no-brainer. But… IS it possible to do that without giving Trump exactly the opportunity he needs?

    It’s a hell of a decision. One that might not even have a right choice.

  • Very informative, thank you.

    You can kind of see how all these problems would compound with each other and make each other worse. Of course people don’t wand to pay taxes to a government that will waste or embezzle their money. But the government does need money to make things happen that might improve the situations of the everyday worker. The government needs competent administrators, lawmakers and judges to properly regulate the private sector, but the private sector can pay a competent person triple what the government pays because the private sector isn’t subject to laws that force them to be ethical.

    Guess there’s a reason that corruption is such a common cause of failed governments.