Bwahhahahahaaahaha!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Buy a sheet of 1/2" Baltic birch for $100 US and rip it to make the cleats. You will be able to finish the entire wall behind your work bench. Then have fun making a new storage piece for your tools every night for a month. You will have the most OCD, beautifully organized tools of any workshop around. Go one step further and get a laser engraver to etch in a logo of each tool where it goes.
click bait
Mm 3,
Fuck these airlines. They are charging for basic necessities people travel with. They are charging extra to have a 3yo child sit with their parents. Fuck them all. Fuck their CEOs. Fuck their business model. Take your business to another company that will treat you as a valued customer instead of gouging you at every opportunity.
Cannot unsee