@dejo No, the alarm signal takes a longer time to start rather than the interval when it’s set.
You seem to have some trouble picturing the Kitchen Timer itself.
Here, when you change the time interval it’s the same as when you turn the knob. So it doesn’t last longer when you increase the timer, it just takes longer for it to activate.
@dejo Whoops, I made a mistake, you don’t need to include the entity when simulating. This line bellow should be the correct one:
add wave -label "count" -radix unsigned /dut/count
This is my .do file (when using Modelsim or Questa, change to the directory with all the .vhd files and the .do file and execute the command
do tb.do
#Creates project's library vlib work #Compiles project with VHDL93 standard: all files used in the testbench. They should be compiled in order of dependency. vcom -93 Kitchen_Timer.vhd testbench.vhd #Simulates (work is the directory, tb_Kitchen_Timer is the entity's name). #The argument -voptargs="+acc" is necessary to disable signal optimization in Questa. vsim -voptargs="+acc" -t ns work.tb_Kitchen_Timer #Show waveforms. view wave #Add specific signals. # -radix: binary, hex, dec, unsigned. # -label: wave's name. add wave -label "clk" -radix binary /clk add wave -label "reset" -radix binary /reset add wave -label "start" -radix binary /start add wave -label "stop" -radix binary /stop add wave -label "adjust_interval_up" -radix binary /adjust_interval_up add wave -label "adjust_interval_down" -radix binary /adjust_interval_down add wave -label "alarm" -radix binary /alarm add wave -label "count" -radix unsigned /dut/count add wave -label "TbClock" -radix binary /TbClock add wave -label "TbSimEnded" -radix binary /TbSimEnded #Simulate for 1500 ns. run 1500ns # Zoom to fit entire window. wave zoomfull write wave wave.ps
I’ve also included the simulation result.