Move to India, leave all ID’s, accounts, ect, get a construction gig or something
Move to India, leave all ID’s, accounts, ect, get a construction gig or something
You mean like the heist pulled off in a guild Valued at around $20,000?
Always thought that was wild
“illegal” is wild lmfao
That worked, thanks homie I knew some of you would be nerdy enough to help me out
One of the ogs
O7 happy to serve
I mean he’s got a point. You brought it up, why are you telling others to prove it?
Bro literally brought up logical fallacies that the first person was using
But by stating you won’t, you just lost, because you made a reference to it
Oh fuck you got me
I mean if you’re on purple and green, with the bat sticker why not joker?
Trust, lemmys already kind of an echo chamber, but it’s our echo chamber so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If it’s any consolation, I freaking HATED rosattis when I moved to Illinois, but it grew on me.
Runner up is MOD, love their Dominic pizza
It’s appreciated, though at this point I think I’m incapable of seeing anything but the flaws in my work lmao (the artists curse)
I’m just here so I can post the 1000th comment
Chicago, rosattis pizza
Probably the landlord that bought my place and tried to jack the up rent to double making us homeless
Don’t forget! Every single person on this earth who bought a Tesla, right? Literal definition of Nazi right there
I don’t doubt it, I have financed a phone, saved up to buy fancy tech.
Tech nerds are known for going DEEP into their passions. And I think people forget that not too many years ago the public opinion of musk was very different
Like talking to a very dumb brick wall
Nazis = over there in white house
Go over there
I type simple enough for understand?
Wait if I win the bid, what do i get?