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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 13th, 2022


  • For mods affecting npc appearance it would be easier to move another mod that affects serana into a higher load priority because it’s likely the appearance mod is overwriting both in the plugins section and in the mod folders section of the textures and meshes due to headmesh generation and ect. So if you have mod 1 and mod 2 loaded in mod organizer 2 for example, and mod 2 makes serana furry and mod 1 is normal looking serana you want mod 1 to be below mod 2 in mod organizer 2 on both the left and right panel so that mod 1 has priority overwriting both.

    Alternatively you can delete the serana npc section of mod 2 in sseedit and then delete the associated serana meshes and textures in the mod folders which will have the last few digits of seranas id as the file names.

    If you use vortex I have no idea how to use it because I haven’t used it before and if you use Nexus mod manager, switch over to mod organizer 2.

  • Make sure you have sseedit and open up your entire active plugins modlists with it, find seranas id code and search for it in sseedit to highlight it. It will then show records in red on the right side which is a conflict with another plugin whether that plugin is vanilla or modded. It will also show which plugin is overwriting another. The plugin on the right most side of the right panel overwrites anything left of it that’s in red.

    But on the other hand, this way serana doesn’t need her hoodie to avoid most of the harmful sunlight to her skin sooo

  • You can’t start conversations on communism by using the word communism with reactionaries who lived an entire life under anticommunist propaganda.

    Assuming he makes a living as a worker and not by being a landlord or business owner, you can instead have discussions about how it’s in his interest to ask for more pay for less work while the boss wants less pay and more work this creating the class conflict and how the owners of companies make billions more without working a billion times harder and that’s how they exploit the worker.

    You can also point out how wages stagnate and inflation increases and nobody in the gov does anything about it and yet the rich get richer. Where does the money come from, from whose value is it stolen from, ect.

    Just avoid all mentions of buzzwords like capitalism, communism, ect as reactionaries have no values and operate entirely on buzzwords and what they’re told is good or bad without an ounce of critical thinking.

  • And yet china refuses to make policies that support billionaires and benefit the bourgeoisie class specifically, they instead do the opposite and fuck them over to the point where western media makes articles about how china is fucking over billionaires as if that’s a bad thing.

    That’s what separates MLs from reactionaries and people like maoists who do not understand dialectical materialism and operates on idealism and being dogmatic.

    If china really were revisionist they would be stripping social safety nets, reducing funding for public infrastructure, increasing privatization of everything that’s currently public and increasing policies favoring the bourgeoisie. Change happens in elliptical motion. For example when the USSR became revisionist they switched over real quick and policies favoring the proletariat were quickly stripped away in favor of pro bourgeoisie ones. The revisionists in powere immediately enriched themselves with this.

    Maoists and reactionaries don’t look at objective material reality.

  • Starting off with enemy states of western imperialist nations is probably not going to go well. It’s better to start with talking about subjects that directly relate to and affects their material interest.

    This is all assuming you are talking to someone who isn’t a bourgeoisie or materially well off. You can then talk about how their wages aren’t improving, and change in the nation isn’t for the better for people like him and how no matter who is elected it seems like they don’t change anything for the better. This can then get into discussions about class interests (how the proletariat and bourgeoisie obtain wealth and their conflicting interests) and exactly what determines a “democracy” and how the nations they live in aren’t “democracies” as they are dictatorships of the bourgeoisie. Get them to understand what capitalism really is and then describe features of communism without the word communism that they may agree with. Materialism vs idealism can also be discussed here. Debunking propaganda against communism and AES nations is gonna take a long time unless they are open-minded and willingly want to get a new perspective.

  • Yeah and I am one of them and I do not like polymatter’s shitty anti china propagandist takes that has a slight positive rice paper wrapping around it. He doesn’t lead to better understanding and positive relations to China. For example his shitty Chinese efficiency video is full of misinformation and china bad takes on their hsr and the video is weaponized to attack china in that regard as well as his china collapse videos in the past.

    Him throwing a few bones here and there does not make up for his propagandist takes and the fact that people think he is remotely accurate is concerning.

    It’s like seeing Tucker Carlson going against some western propaganda points and going listen to this guy he’s saying some good shit.

    I have no idea why you are obsessed with defending this procapitalist shitbag propagandist.