She/her. 24

  • 20 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2022

  • SovereignState@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlLigma Male
    6 months ago

    There is but one gamma male. Dr. David Banner—physician, scientist—searching for a way to tap into the hidden strengths that all humans have. Then an accidental overdose of gamma radiation alters his body chemistry. And now, when David Banner grows angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs. The creature is driven by rage and pursued by an investigative reporter.

    The creature is wanted for a murder he didn’t commit. David Banner is believed to be dead. And he must let the world think that he is dead until he can find a way to control the raging spirit that dwells within him.

  • Another thing, notice the reaction of Muslim countries to the actual genocide being perpetrated by Israel. They are firmly condemning it through all channels. In contrast, the policies of de-radicalization by the Chinese were unanimously well-received by Muslim countries.

    Very generous of you to assume that many of these folk believe Muslims and Arabs are human beings capable of forming their own opinions and international policy. The opinions of actual Muslims are similarly handwaved akin to any communist’s opinion.

    These states’ international defense of China’s de-radicalization program is stated to merely be because they are money-hungry opportunists, buddying up with China while ignoring a politically and economically inconvenient genocide. 🙄 How… adaptable this narrative is.

    The seemingly unending wave of videos of Uyghurs in China recording themselves in their homes and making it clear they are not undergoing genocide have to be ignored. In fact, they have to be deleted by the platforms hosting them. How utterly immune to facts this narrative is.

    If these countries care about Palestine, oh… I don’t know. Russia is making them care. Iran, maybe? Maybe North Korea or China are forcing these Muslims to hate Israel. Who else are we being directed to hate right now? Afghanistan? Just throw a dart at the “Axis of Evil” board and pick an “uncivilized” nation. It’s their fault. Why not?

  • unwilling to even engage with the idea that Russia seeks to eliminate Ukrainian identity

    Camarada Forte did engage with this argument. The person who created this supposed dossier dictating Russia’s desire to destroy the Ukrainian identity has no direct link to the Russian government.

    You need evidence we can engage with. We cannot meaningfully engage with empty platitudes.

    Meanwhile you will turn yourself in circles to defend Russian aggression

    Do you know what was going on in eastern Ukraine, beginning in 2014? Pretty similar to what’s going on in Gaza right now. Hint: it was not Russian artillery leveling homes, schools, and hospitals.

    But then somehow I’m the brainwashed goon for actually attempting to maintain something resembling ideological consistency.

    Awfully defensive there, bud. Speaking of ad hominem. 🙄

  • Wild how much footage is coming out of Gaza right now showing an actual ongoing genocide, yet Zionists and their water-carriers will harp on and on about how Israel is merely defending itself.

    Nothing of the sort from Xinjiang. At all.

    I’d like to see ONE verifiable image or video depicting this supposed Uyghur genocide we’re denying. ONE. Apparently it’s one of the worst human atrocities occuring right now. One of the worst in HISTORY.

    So… show me a single picture. Fetish porn doesn’t count. Where are the dead bodies? Where are these supposed mass graves?

    Love to break it to ya, they don’t fucking exist and they never did. You’ve been lied to.

  • It was almost clever using “control” so many times in your statement, but it made your commend kind of hard to read. I have no idea what you’re saying.

    How is it that there is no question of, in your assessment of authoritarianism, how the controllers wound up in control? What class they represent? The median net wealth of every congressperson? How many of the controlled get fucking murdered by the controllers daily?

    Scientific socialism is winning. Whatever you’re supporting is half-baked at best, especially if you’re still using words like authoritarian seriously.

    That, or...

  • My unsolicited advice? Get out. ASAP.

    Rural Amerika will not be where revolution emerges. I tried to convince myself that there was some sort of organizing worth doing, that having to drive an hour each way every day to work was bearable, that I could radicalize enough people for my presence there to matter. It never would have.

    Do not apologize for leaving that misery in your dust, do not look back. These places are spiderwebs that will keep trying to pull you back in every time you escape.

    I spent the majority of my life thus far in the extreme isolation and cultural hell you are describing. I’m sorry you’re there now. The past few years have been the happiest, most actualizing of my life. Part of growing up for me, maybe, but know that I owe so much of it to having people to interact with.

    If you meet someone insufferable, do not worry. They are but one of many. You will meet better people.

    I relate to the hospital bit. There is a hospital 25 minutes from that area, however it has (I am not exaggerating) appeared on multiple blog posts like “top 10 worst hospitals in America”. I once spent 14 hours there as a kid just to get dx’d with bronchitis in about 10 minutes. My dad kept leaving the room to go fetch someone every few hours. He’d always come back alone, angrier than the last time.

  • I completely forgot the kicker. I was taught creationism in my science classes. 😄

    Tell my suburban friends that and they say shit like “I didn’t even know that still happened”, like creationism as “science” died in the 50s or 60s. Nah.

    Also taught that black folk were condemned to an eternity of slavery because Ham, ostensibly dark-skinned, witnessed his father Noah naked, while all the other races looked away.

    I would not recommend to any black folk to visit the rural midwest. They’ll tell you how not-racist they are right before they fucking lynch you. The cops will be there, assisting the lynchers. Klan flyers left on doorsteps (my family got one). NAACP put out a travel advisory for Missouri, the only entire state they’ve ever done that for. I don’t blame them at all.

  • SovereignState@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlThe past vs the future
    10 months ago

    Moved into my new place last month. Heard shots three times. One time it was just brap brap brap. Another time sounded like two. Heard a fucking shootout maybe two weeks ago, maybe 8 or 9.

    Some folk mistake fireworks for gunshots, and I guess it’s possible that I was just hearing kids playing with M80s or something. But I know folk who’ve been shot, know folk whose family have been murdered in drive-bys, and I’m familiar with the sound of gunfire. You won’t even hear about it on the news.

  • Thank you. I live in a relatively small city in a different state now.

    Incredibly, there’s shit to do! People to meet! I prefer it so much more. The quickest way to kill misanthropy, for me, has been to meet people. The kindness of utter strangers baffles me sometimes – I’m not used to it.

    Only problem is, the gunshots I hear every other day aren’t so innocuous. I live in the hood, the ghetto, whatever you wanna call it, but it’s my community now, you know? Care about these folk. Roads are all paved but still barely drivable. Least I can walk down the street to get my groceries if I want (and not have to drive 45 minutes to the nearest Walmart…)

  • SovereignState@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlThe past vs the future
    10 months ago
    tldr it sucks but I mean the nature's cool

    The area I lived in is so backwoods it doesn’t have a true name, it borders a town and a village (yes, a village). They’re both about 20 minute drives in opposite directions.

    All along the highway from nowhere to somewhere, you’ll find abandoned gas stations and grocery stores overtaken by local foliage and critters of the dark. Cows every now and then with barbed wire fences cordoning off hundreds and hundreds of acres of land, usually owned by some disgustingly rich drunk old guy no one’s seen in years.

    In each town, everyone knows everyone. It was hard to stay anonymous even countywide – many, many times my last name indicated to others that they knew my family. Due to living in a borderland, I was given an option of two different high schools I could attend, in either direction. They’re both horrific, though I will say the one I attended had cool teachers. My graduating class had ~20 students in it, that being the entire senior class of my high school.

    It is a very different feeling to living in a city. I did not have neighbors less than a mile away. 90% of the roads I drove were not paved. I spent my childhood in extreme isolation. I used the internet to escape it, the very, very slow internet. It took me a month to download World of Warcraft, and I played the shit out of it, 500 ping or otherwise (I considered 200 was stable!!).

    We had DSL until maybe 2013. I grew up with a box computer, box TV, VHSs, all that old shit. Regular blackouts. School closed regularly because winter was utterly deadly – who is going to plow a dirt road? Summer was just as deadly for different reasons.

    We had a different relationship with guns. Gunshots were something you heard regularly, wherever you were, because folk were out hunting. It was normal. I remember, even, one time a classmate in 3rd grade brought (with his father) a deer he killed on the back of a pickup, and when he arrived he was holding his hunting rifle. This alarmed absolutely no one, including myself.

    We had prayer circles at school every Sunday. We’d gather around the flag and pray for the soldiers and shit. Pledge of allegiance every day, of course.

    Area was 99% white, and SOMEHOW the fuckers managed to get the black folk situated in the only part of that shithole that could be reasonably called a “ghetto”. How the fuck.

    I miss being able to fuck off into the woods and know that I was alone with nature. Nobody could mess with me because there was nobody. Nobody but the trees, squirrels, spiders and deer.

    Every other person has at least tried meth. I haven’t, but I’ve had the opportunity on multiple occasions. I’ve seen what that shit does to houses when people mix incorrectly. I’m good, I’ll stick with green. Cannabis can’t annihilate you quite so dramatically.

    There were homeless folk. Everybody knew them, but no one wanted to help them. I hate to say that I can’t really blame them as plenty of these folk would have murdered you for drug money. The others just woulda robbed you.

    Kind of a rambling mess and I apologize. I hope I painted something of a picture. If you have any specific questions I’d be delighted to share details of the bittersweet misery of rural life further.

    edit: addendum. These places were legally sundown towns in my mother’s lifetime.