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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I have a friend who has come to reflect this exact behavior to an extraordinary degree of accuracy.

    It’s interesting because the near puritanical nature of their responses to nearly anything has become more extreme than even the most devoutly religions individuals. Obviously the focus of their evangelizing is very different, but it has become difficult to even have a conversation.

    I’ll give you an example: I saw a new game called Pal World, which looked absurd, mentioned and was instantly met with the fact that the game was unacceptable because it supports forced labor.

    Additionally, there seems to be an immense amount of hypocrisy in regards to what is good and what is bad, largely driven by what best I can refer to as their “leftist Zeitgeist.” As bad as I can tell now, according to them, I am a liberal, and apparently liberals are bad, and the only true salvation is being a leftist?

    Of course, I have a much more varied and complex set of moral and political values that likely don’t fall under a singular label… But what do I know about anything.

  • Given the reality that Linux simply isn’t viable for some people (including myself), I highly recommend using this tool.


    Between this, and manually uninstalling a lot of bloat (or using a specific type of windows install) and a few other tweaks, windows becomes significantly more usable.

    Disabling garbage in the task bar, removing Cortana and indexing services, etc etc, it can also add a fairly decent uplift in performance.

    I’m sure there is still telemetry being collected but significantly less and less impact on my user experience and day to day performance.

    Oh and make sure you turn off auto/feature updates!

  • Best deal is YT premium family, I have 5 or 6 people on it with no commercials on YT and YT music which is great for our use cases as well. Yes it’s like $25 a month, but everyone that uses it loves it!

    I consume a lot of YT, for “How it’s made” and project shows there really isn’t anything remotely comparable. No ads and FF through sponsored content is awesome.

  • SolNine@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWay to go, guys!
    6 months ago

    You don’t agree that, speaking in generalities, people with more progressive values (obviously everything is a spectrum), are more likely to purity test their candidate than people with more conservative ideologies?

    Speaking, again in generalities, the people I know that vote for conservative candidates do not seem to care what candidates do, no matter how much it runs counter to their core beliefs systems. Look how many, what I would consider abhorrent individuals are elected simply because they are a means to whatever end they are looking for.

    Look around on political comments, especially on Lemmy, I see the exact behavior/thought process I’m speaking of on a very regular basis, and I truthfully only check in on this app when I have a client out or maybe before bed.

    I’m not ignoring anything, I understand there are a variety of significant concerns about many candidates and processes within the Democratic party, especially when it comes to addressing the concerns of the more progressive issues. However; I think that many on the outer edges of the progressive spectrum over estimate how progressive the average American is, and often fail to consider just how disastrous a second Trump presidency would be for many many people.

  • SolNine@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWay to go, guys!
    6 months ago

    No one says you can’t vote, or think how you want to think, by all means this is a free country.

    The issue I run into is that everyone is being purity tested to an extent that no individual who is at least somewhat tolerable to much of the political middle in the U.S., is acceptable to a specific subset of people who are constantly outraged by something.

    Many of these same people complain endlessly about many of the issues a Trump presidency is going to greatly exacerbate, and don’t seem to understand, none of us get what we want, but helping to elect him by not voting for the only real alternative seems insanely illogical in my mind. Much like the post states.

    It makes no sense to me, “this person is going to burn everything down, but I’m not going to support the only alternative who does things that aren’t nearly as bad…”

  • SolNine@lemmy.mltoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWay to go, guys!
    6 months ago

    I’m convinced if it wasn’t the conflict in Palestine it would be some other issue that would prevent them from being able to “morally” support Biden.

    Yes the conflict in Palestine is terrible, yes there are atrocities occuring, no I don’t have any of the solutions.

    There seem to be a subset of people that only want to see the negative in every aspect of life and this carries over to politicians/politics in general. The grass is forever more green elsewhere.

    I recently asked a friend trapped in this bubble if they had seen the new Mario movie, as I attempt to avoid politics with them at this point in time, and I received the answer, “No, fuck Chris Pratt.” I didn’t bother asking why, but it seems that nearly ever aspect of life, except the ones they choose to conveniently ignore is reason for social outrage and some how it is “Biden’s Fault,” with complete disregard to what the alternative looks like.

    But 3rd parties!!! Oh yes, because statistically splitting your vote between the only two groups with a chance of being elected to office is the “moral solution.”

    I don’t ever want to hear about “harm reduction” from them again, when their “moral” decision results in women’s healthcare being a literal afterthought and rights for a variety of marginalized communities being stripped away. 1,500 people a week are still dying from COVID in the U.S., but hey, let’s help elect the party that wants to continue erroding any remaining social safety nets, because you know, people who get sick don’t matter as much as this months zeitgeist of social outrage.