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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • It’s just a virtue signal that Dems appropriated from Repubs as the Overton Window has shifted to the right. In actually neither of them will do anything to affect real change because too many companies make a shitload of money exploiting the fuck out of immigrants. Then these assholes get to scapegoat these same immigrants as some kind of root cause for how the middle class is doing worse getting fucked over while Wall Street keeps breaking records. If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation, it would be over $20.

  • I’m kind of a fat-ass (5’11" 235 lbs.) with the 'betes, so I also sleep with a fan. I find the fan isn’t quite enough, so I try to keep the temp in the appartment below 70°F (66-68°F ideally). I like to read before bed to get myself “out of my own head”, preferabbly something interesting but not too interesting like Neitzsche, Oliver Sachs, David Graeber.

  • The picture is depicting Special K, not Corn Flakes. Some “adult” cereals like Special K and Total (do they still make Total?) actually have 100% or more of certain vitamins and minerals, so it’s a totally viable option as a “meal replacement”. I don’t know Gary Pilnick from Adam, but it wouldn’t surprise me that some rich dickhead said something that comes off as completely tone deaf.

    I watched some video on YouTube where they tried to tackle the question “what one thing could you eat day-in and day-out and survive the longest on without suffering some kind of malnutrition.” I think they ended up on Subway’s Veggie Delight or the Cold Cut Combo with all the fixings, so that you’re getting at least some of your USRDA of vitamins.