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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • Idk if you were around when Google popped up, but it was at a time where the internet was feeling increasingly “loaded” with thousands of info per page. One where the popular engines tried to serve you twenty different things along with your search. Here’s an example:


    Or another:


    This isn’t a search engine. This is an all you can eat buffet, where the smallest plate is two main courses and three sides. And users just wanted a candy bar.

    So you see, a lot of us started to use Google because it was simple. It was decluttered. It was a text input with a ‘submit’ button, and that’s all we wanted. THAT is, and was, google’s core functionality, and I think it’d do them well to remember that.

    Now, if you wanna argue that’s changed, I can agree to that. But I don’t want morning news when I search for porn, that’s just gonna kill my boner. And I don’t want ads about coffee makers when I’ve just bought a coffee maker, that just means you’re incompetent. I want a search engine that searches things and provides results. That’s it. And just like Google caught momentum because they delivered this minimalistic facade that the users wanted, this is also how Google will die - at the hands of the next lightweight engine without corporate bullshit. Because the users will gobble it up.

  • Nah man. I’ll rephrase:

    Drivers are self-centered because:

    • they are one of the leading causes of death, and they convinced the world their convenience is worth it
    • they believe that they literally know better than AI and are better suited to have power over life and death
    • they’re out here tryna say passengers of AI cars should sign up to die automatically, when drivers are actually the ones who are today responsible for all deaths by car

    I made it easier to understand, hope it helps.

  • This will never be the case. Because nobody will buy an overpriced “yo, if there’s ever any doubt about, like, anything - just put a bullet in my head” machine. So nobody will sell it.

    Face it - you have the same thousands of pounds of metal today, and you’re the only one making decisions. You (drivers, as a community) have killed before, for selfish reasons: because you don’t want to die is the least selfish of them. Other hits include “didn’t wanna not get drunk with the homies”, “I really needed to answer that text” and “I have 10 minutes till home but the game starts in 5, it’s my favorite team, I can make it”. And you somehow seem to want non-drivers (passengers of AI cars) to have the same expectation that they will be a victim even when they get a car?

    Drivers are so self-centered it’s goddamn ridiculous.

  • Skates@feddit.nltoTechnology@lemmy.worldThe Mozilla Graveyard
    5 days ago

    Ads unfortunately have to exist if we still want all this online content

    I DON’T want all this online content. I’m not on instagram/facebook/tiktok/whatever two-word website/app the next generation will worship. I don’t tweet. I don’t follow influencers. The media I consume is mostly youtube, and even that’s been recently decreasing. The internet can die tomorrow and I won’t miss anything that ran on ads, the biggest impact would be that now I can’t buy things online so I’d need to physically purchase some items.

    Fuck this version of the internet. If there’s ever a moment that adblockers stop fighting the good fight, I’m cutting costs and just not paying for internet anymore. It’s not worth it.

  • Yes, like most normal people do.

    There’s a lot of discussion when you’re a software dev about the best way to do things, and a lot more is spent on this debate than on actually writing code. One could wonder if there is so much discussion because there are so many good ideas that it’s difficult to choose the one that is optimal for the situation.

    But then you read one of these posts on lemmy and you are reminded that someone with internet access and thumbs could spare the short time they have to take a shit to egregiously misunderstand a simple fucking slogan, smugly post about their shit take on the internet, and then return to their job where they will then spend hours misunderstanding the simplest of fucking concepts, slowing down everyone else along with them.

  • I mean, it just sounds like the people from your Tools/Infrastructure/IT/Devops/whatever-it’s-called-for-you department are fucking incompetent and can’t properly configure a Single Sign-On. Took mine a few years as well, I think the ticket was stuck in the queue behind the “restart some servers when nobody’s watching to see how long until they find the issue” tickets, which they seemed to be working on weekly.

    Also, I can’t think of any reason why SSO can’t work with Mozilla or Chrome also, not just with Edge.

  • Um… No. If the company doesn’t value my time by posting a correct job listing, I don’t want to work for them. These are the same HR people posting the jobs who will then have trouble maintaining a good work environment, or making sure people aren’t abused/harassed in the workplace. These people will have access to your data and you’ll be trusting them to not make paper airplanes out of your SSN. And if it’s not HR creating the job postings, it’s some low/mid-level manager you might have to work for some day. Do you really want Mr “better make sure the new waiter knows how to install HVACs” handling your workload and giving you tasks?

    When a company tells you its HR department is full of idiots I think you wanna listen to them.