Fredthefishlord made some great points. Your timeline is completely off and unrealistic. The major controversies surrounding Musk have only really come to light in the past couple years. Before that, buying a Tesla was seen as a green, eco-friendly option with newer technology. Expecting people to trade in their Tesla immediately, or even within a year or so, is just unrealistic.
Second, financing exists. Not everyone who buys a nice car is well off or in a position to trade it in, and even if they are, that doesn’t mean it’s the best option for them. Trade-ins still usually require a deposit if you want something equally beneficial. Not everyone can afford that, especially with how recent all of this is. You act like this was some long-term open secret when in reality a lot of people bought their cars before any of this was common knowledge.
You argue like a Republican. You ignore the actual points made just so you can keep pushing this closed-minded idea that everyone should see everything exactly as you do and act at the exact pace you expect. If they don’t, they deserve to be attacked and have their car destroyed, even if it’s their only way to work and make the money they’d need to replace it. That’s absurd.
This is just selfish and short-sighted. “They don’t think like me so attack them until they do” is not activism, it’s just stupidity. You’re advocating for harming random people (yes harming people’s method of travel/income is harming their livelihood) who might not even support Musk, just because you assume they do. At best you’re wasting energy. At worst you’re hurting people who don’t deserve it.
Roxanne from the Goofy Movie for sure