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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023


  • It’s the server doing the meddling, don’t forget that! Email servers have two things to base an analysis off of: the trustworthyness of the senders header data and the content.

    Header analysis will quickly kill messages from the fake servers but only after a certain amount of spam is identified - the computer doesn’t “read” the alphabet, it just sees valid encoded symbols. It’s the humans job to find the traffic lights, so to say.

    And content analysis is a cold war of attrition: building better filters leads to better tricks leads to better filters, etc.

    The only way I have found to stay spam free is customizing my address for each potential sender (i.e. scipilemmy@mydomain.net).that was a lot of work to set up though…

  • “zu einfach” ist genau die Abmoderation, um die es dem Bund doch geht, oder?

    Was ist, wenn das Ergebnis der Analyse lautet: “kann nicht gerettet werden”?

    Wenn ich das richtig verstehe wird diese Analyse ja genau eben nicht gemacht, die Bereitschaft zu sagen “jo du bist hier geboren und du hast jetzt zwei Optionen: umziehen oder hier sterben” gibt es nicht - auch wenn das in manchen Gebieten eventuell die einzigen beiden Optionen sind.

    Genau wie beim Klima “CO2 Reduktion ist einfach geschrieben, aber die (Wirtschaft/Autofahrer/Interessengruppen)!!”

    Gibt’s denn flächendeckende Alternativen? (nicht rhetorisch gemeint, ich kenne keine! Bin aber auch kein Schweizer und der Artikel und dieser thread sind meine erste Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema).

  • You have several long and comprehensive answers so please allow me to add an emotional one:

    Fucking compile error in hour six of what you estimated to be a four hour compile job because of a mistake you made that you found within 5 seconds after the error!!

    Fucking why doesn’t this compilation start I can’t find my mistake for hours?!

    Where does this module come from?! What do you mean “root kit”? Learning was fun!

    It all was fun! :)

  • Sorry for that hazzle! My story is quite different but exactly the same: my father in law “didn’t get around” to do backups and lost his HDD full of important photos and documents.

    That said: I’m quite sure that there are huge regional differences. Without knowing your country just keep that in kind.

    I phoned around several companies. I had a simple first benchmark: either directly speak with a tech savvy person (big plus) or being forwarded to one.

    That eliminated already half of them who had more business than tech.

    The important thing to look out for in hindsight is their transport standards, i.e. how does the broken disk get to them and how does the rescued data get back?

    Be careful of companies who have the potential to take the disk hostage (“we give a quote after first analysis”).

    Paying per file rescued sounds weird to me because that’s not how the rescue process usually works from what I understand.

    The company I went with was very upfront about the best and worst case what to expect, etc. They were very transparent about the risks and their process as well.

    Nearly all of the critical data was rescued and delivered on an encrypted disk. The key was handed out after final payment - a process I quite liked.

    In short: talk to the people and find a way to figure out whom you trust most.

  • I don’t know why you think that this is projection on the OPs part.

    Personally I don’t find that “suspense” part that you describe. I fully agree that she has a highly successful career and fan base - doesn’t mean her humor is for everyone.

    Personally I’m curious to see the series and I find her way less annoying than some of the past people which were highly popular (Cooper and Stirling for me personally).

    I’m more curious than worried - and could fully understand that someone expressed “oh there’s this comedian I don’t enjoy, too bad. Oh is that something I shouldn’t say about this person specifically?”.

  • Oh I disagree in the conservatism because my argument is: we can’t normalize written language because the phonetics in one language is wastly different in different regions and either we go to the pre Grimm “everyone writes as they speak” or there’s normalization.

    That’s what confuses me: your definition of what the orthographic systems are supposed to solve differs from what l got taught: That people started writing preserve information - the phonetic alphabets were then adopted because (oversimplification!) it was easier.

    My professor of historic German (Mittelhochdeutsch, not sure of the proper translation) always joked about the “sprechen wie gedruckt” people in Germany who claimed to talk “proper” German because of all the changes in language which get reflected over time into the main language (do you go “zu Aldi” or “nach Aldi” for example are regional directional expressions.

    What is preserved is the clear meaning of things and standardization.

    To get back to the OP: The standards are needed to prevent phonetic writing to alter the meaning of a sentence away from what the senders intend or puts a burden onto the reader to decipher. And that’s the risk when mixing relation and time (than/then).

    From my perspective the discussion comes down to “who puts energy into the communication, the sender or the reader”. And for a lot of these examples it is less energy for the author than it is for the reader to then establish a common understanding.

    That said: I find it fascinating to read such a different take on that topic and learn new things, thank you!

  • Arr my friend, there are solutions to your problem! If course it depends on what you (don’t) see as theft.

    My opinion: it isn’t. If you want only this one thing then I suggest the manual approach. But if you once tasted the high seas you’ll soon become your own tech specialist, running a whole… Stack of arr.

    And to be less subtle: torrent that shit. Use a vpn. If you want to ramp it up check out the arr stack aka servarr aka a way to automate the whole download and consume thing. There’s a learning curve involved but learning is fun! :)