• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • So this one time in my early 20s, I was at a hippie sort of festival- type thing (rainbow gathering, for anyone interested) up in the hills in Yorkshire. The toilet situation was just piss on the grass, anywhere outside of the main areas, use your common sense. For number twos, there were “shit-pits”, it’s a trench, you squat with one foot on each side, take a shit, then chuck in a handful of two of fire ash and soil to cover it, job done. There’s a beach windbreak for a bit of privacy, and the pits are a bit away from where other stuff is going on. So anyway, there I am, squatting, getting ready to answer a call of nature, when this young woman comes and squats down right in front of me, facing me. Beautiful woman, big long dreads, cute face, nose ring… I freeze up, most awkward I’ve ever been, while she maintains eye contact, squeezes one out, wipes up, and goes on her way without a word. Then I unfreeze and carry on with my day. Weird memory.

  • Hard to give much advice without knowing much about your lifestyle, but I try to prioritise sleep above all else. If I need to be up at 6am, I’ll make my herbal tea at 8pm and start winding down, be in bed by 9.30 so I can read a bit and be sure I’m asleep by 10. If I’m having trouble sleeping I’ll look at cutting caffeine completely, and/or no screens before bed. The other part (for me) is physical activity/ exercise. It’s hard to get started when you’re exhausted, but once it’s a habit, it gives you more reserves. And improves your sleep.

  • I started working at the same company as my neighbour (different office), but haven’t managed to bring it up in a normal human casual conversation way. Now I have to worry about him seeing my pass, or other company paraphernalia, or spotting my t-shirt drying on the line, because it’d be weird if that happened before I say something. On top of the usual just trying not to run into anyone and have awkward smalltalk moments.

  • Such a great example of ‘reality is what you’re conscious of’, I feel! ‘Just throw the lure in and wait’ could for another person be ‘arrive at a beautiful waterside location, ritually prepare your tackle, cast it into the water (a skill that can be a minigame in itself, with all the associated space for practice, improvement, and intermittent positive reinforcement), then enjoy the wonders of being still in nature, but also focus on your task and be ready to react instantly.’ It takes all sorts.

  • It’s possible, but it can really change the type of games available to you too. I used to love Skyrim and similar, but eventually found I needed a minimum session of 2-3 hrs, otherwise I hadn’t even done any real playing, just inventory management, or getting crafting supplies. These days, with kids and work, I like rally simulator games, it can be satisfying to just do one or two stages, which can take as little as 5-20 mins. But it’s a whole different thing, no story, character development, surprises…a bit like going from watching Kurosawa films to watching the sports highlights.

  • 2 units (in this case houses) down and 2 across (a perhaps intentional misinterpretation of the original slightly ambiguous statement). Reasonable to assume down and across are perpendicular directions. Let’s pretend space-time is Euclidean. How far away is the listener from the sneeze? Pythagoras, our faithful companion, guides our understanding…√(2²+2²)=√8=2√2