Modern day nazis testing the waters.
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
Modern day nazis testing the waters.
He’s in Super Hell.
You gotta be responsible for some pretty reprehensible shit to go there.
You and I can’t get there without some extreme moral compromises.
Genuinely… It wasn’t before???
Daily reminder that armed minorities are harder to oppress.
Make sure you train with it. It’s useless unless you know how to use it, and are ready to use it.
Stay safe.
Rich kids who don’t feel like taking stuff home for the summer.
You can check out any time you want.
But you can never leave.
Go punt kick the first fish back into the ocean as it tries to waddle it’s fat ass out of the water.
I know that’s not how evolution works but I can dream… Life would likely be vastly different given such a long period of time with something like that changing either way.
While Jackson and Co. Didn’t pull out all the stops to show time passing, they very much go out of their way to stay faithful to the written word where possible.
It seems like maybe a few weeks or months perhaps pass, if you don’t think “horses and riding to different countries is going to take longer than cars and going a few towns over/the next state” then you could think it was a few days.
All that said, Yes, I also would have liked to encounter Tom Bombadil but ultimately he is meaningless to the overall story, and would just slow down an already long movie. I would definitely watch a 5 hour cut of every part, but not very many people would.
I just pulled up the extended edition and rewatched, the entirety of “keep it secret, keep it safe” to “is it secret? Is it safe?” and those 17 years was 31:50 ish in to 36:40ish. So about 5 minutes of screen time and most of that was Gandalf travelling to/researching in minas tirith, and Frodo and the Gang having a mug at the green dragon. Given the time of year, the fact that things “look chilly” in the outside establishing shot could be taken to mean “same time of year, maybe not much time has passed”
Apogies for the keyboard vomit, I don’t get to nerd out on LOTR often.
/j then you don’t love your mother enough to learn coding and make a mom-proof distro.
/uj oh my god I have ptsd from the one time my parents tried to switch to apple products. It lasted less than a week. Please don’t let them decide to switch to Linux and ask me things.
Companies make absolute fucking bank over “small insignificant” things like this.
Yes it’s only 50¢ but how many people every day think to themselves “oh it’s just 50 cents”
Then add that up over the whole year, for every location.
It quickly becomes much more than the “insignificant” 50¢.
And they know you are more likely to pay it and keep quiet than argue or simply not buy the item.
Sure it’s “just 50 cents” for you, but for the company, by the end of the day it’s more than most make in a year.
Note: actual dollar amounts company-wide for garlic cups is not something I happen to know, but based on how much I’ve seen them slinging cups into the boxes while I wait for my pizza, it’s gotta be a lot.
He knew that could be a sound of the future. But he didn’t realize how much the impact would be.
Oh no I’ll lose my account I scrambled and deleted two years ago!
Carry on!
I’ve seen a lot of comments on various websites lately lamenting that there isn’t a judge “or somebody” that’s stepping in to say “no”
Like… We’re it.
The people that could have done something say back and handed the reigns over, because anything else would be “improper” and not following the rules.
And the people in the most effective positions to “fight back” in any sort of legal manner have all been rolling over like a good dog waiting for a treat, or quitting “in protest” before anything happens which just opens up a spot for a loyal stooge.
So there’s nobody coming to save you as you watch from the side. We are it.
Organize with people who share similar goals. But be smart about it so you don’t get raided by the alphabet squad for being too supportive of black people and trans people a “terrorist organization”
Be the change you want to see in the world. Because republicunts and magats are trying to ruin it before you realize you can help change it.
And when your very existence becomes illegal, why bother with the social contract at all.
I was actually asked to leave my parents church because I was loudly arguing with the guy running a gift shop that if I were to follow Jesus, I should be flipping these tables, chasing them with whips, and damming them for turning gods house into a place of business occupied by thieves.
I guess they DON’T like considering what Jesus would do.
It’s the equivalent of me holding up a brick while crossing the road.
I don’t want to throw it at someone’s windshield. I’d rather not deal with that headache.
But if you zoom on through, I can’t guarantee I’ll maintain my grip on it, and it’s going through your windshield.
Slow down and we will never have to find out what that brick looks like soaring through the air.
Also daily reminder that Armed Minorities are harder to oppress.
or someone in power
The people hold far more power than a judge or single government can.
There’s no “adultier adult” to come save us this time.
It’s just going to be a bathroom in March of Legos. Or somewhere near where he buried evidence an ex-wife.
He’s not clever enough for the air hole…
I came here to laugh, not get personally attacked.
Last week I was totally ready to do [thing] and last week me was definitely not thinking about how the future works.
As an American who remembers 2016-2020…
It’s a whoopsie-doodle.
It’s an oh no.
It might even be a bit of a kerfuffle.
It’s not “bad things happening”
My idea of “bad things” is a way smaller number, I’m thinking maybe 45 or 9. I’m not picky.