Right. As far as I know, a LLM will not give you a proper source if you ask it how it knows some information. A website found through a search engine will have a source for its info (or it’s probably unreliable if it has no sources).
You as a human being have a right and responsibility to know the source of information and use your reasoning abilities to decide if the source is reliable. An LLM interrupts this process. I don’t understand how people are absorbing information without sources or a way to critically think about if the information may be accurate.
In economics, the devil is in the assumptions. It is the responsibility of the reader of an economic model to understand what the assumptions are and their implications, and decide for him/herself if the assumptions are reasonable and useful, “All models are wrong, but some are useful”, after all.
I agree with you that the assumption of coin loss being a function of total coins in the supply is…doing a lot of work in this model. IMHO, this is an interesting intellectual exercise, but its connection to reality or anything that people really care about in their daily lives is not very strong.