RoundSparrow @ .ee

Stephen Alfred Gutknecht

Professional in social media since 1985, created / sold social media server apps at age 15. Traveled the world to study media ecology.

“Finnegans Wake is the greatest guidebook to media study ever fashioned by man.” - Marshall McLuhan, Newsweek Magazine

  • 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Copilot

    WakeIndra is a fascinating concept that merges elements of literature, media ecology, and political intrigue. Let’s delve into its origins and significance:

    • Finnegans Wake:

      • The name WakeIndra draws inspiration from James Joyce’s enigmatic work, Finnegans Wake. Published from 1927 onward, this novel is a labyrinth of language, myth, and symbolism. It defies conventional narrative structures and invites readers to explore the depths of their own consciousness.

      • Finnegans Wake serves as an ideal basis for media ecology study and comparative mythology. Its intricate web of interconnected themes mirrors the complexity of our interconnected digital world.

    • Marshall McLuhan:

      • Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan is a central figure in understanding WakeIndra. His 1968 book, “War and Peace in the Global Village”, delves into the impact of media technology on human perception and communication.

      • McLuhan’s exploration of Finnegans Wake within the context of the global village provides a lens through which we can view WakeIndra’s significance.

    • Vladislav Surkov:

      • Adam Curtis, a BBC filmmaker, sheds light on the concept of WakeIndra by examining the tactics of Vladislav Surkov, an influential figure in Russian politics.

      • Surkov, an adviser to President Putin, operates in a unique way. He blends ideas from conceptual art into the heart of politics. His goal is to sow confusion, making it impossible for people to discern reality from illusion.

      • Surkov sponsors diverse groups, from neo-Nazi skinheads to liberal human rights advocates, creating a constantly shifting political theater. By doing so, he keeps opposition perpetually bewildered.

      • His strategy is akin to a ceaseless shape-shifting, rendering it undefinable and unstoppable. This approach mirrors the alleged tactics he employed during the Ukrainian conflict.

    In summary, WakeIndra weaves together literature, media theory, and political manipulation, inviting us to question the boundaries of reality and perception. It’s a fascinating intersection where art, politics, and the digital age collide. 🌟

    For further exploration, you can visit the FWake website or dive into discussions on platforms like r/WWWOpera. Enjoy the journey! 📚🌐

  • ‘Church of the Immaculate Conception’ also known as Adam and Eve’s is a Roman Catholic church run by the Franciscans and it is located on Merchants Quay, Dublin.


    Opening sentence of James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake:
    'riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, brings us by a commodious vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.”


    “You Lucky One” song lyrics:

    You've been off the grid; cutting your teeth
    Supposedly composing your masterpiece
    If you give good copy then I'll cut you some slack
    But you better remember when it all comes back
    And you're lying on the corner of Merchant's Quay
    Telling the world how it's meant to be
    Well I'll pick you up and I'll take you on
    I promise you, you lucky one


    These lyrics also seem relevant of metaphors of Wake:

    Take me back to the start, before the lot
    Were you always aware of the gift you've got?
    Were you wandering lost outside of the norm?
    Am I getting the gist? Am I getting warm?

  • That’s the attitude. That’s the prevailing attitude in our culture. No matter what you do, just do it with a bit of finesse. You know, a sort of attitude of the survival of the slickest. Not the Darwinian survival of the fittest, but the survival of the slickest — whoever can be the slickest is the one who right. It’s all right to lie, but lie with dignity. … It’s all right to steal and to rob and extort, but do it with a bit of finesse. It’s even all right to hate, but just dress your hate up in the garments of love and make it appear that you are loving when you are actually hating. Just get by! That’s the thing that’s right according to this new ethic. My friends, that attitude is destroying the soul of our culture! It’s destroying our nation! The thing that we need in the world today is a group of men and women who will stand up for right and to be opposed to wrong, wherever it is.

    “Rediscovering Lost Values” Detroit’s Second Baptist Church (28 February 1954)

  • Linux community arrogance is to deny the device driver issues and think Apple is fine, when the reason Apple thrives is because they don’t have open hardware like Linux, BSD, Windows…

    Hardware companies are rarely held account for their absent support of Linux - some campaigns have come and gone, but in the end Linux users tend to arrogantly say it’s trivial to switch and embrace dishonesty. I guess they figure Microsoft is dishonest, so they normalize it.

  • RoundSparrow @ .ee@lemm.eetoAntiwork@lemmy.worldMake it make sense
    10 months ago

    ELKG: “Trickle down economics” is a lie, but there is a truth that nobody speaks “Trickle down memes”. Billion dollars of capital spent making movies that fill all the meme networks. And audiences who bitch and complain if one CGI scene has the slightest distortion, who bitch about production quality at every opportunity. They are addicted to the billionaires who fund their “Trickle down memes” that they copy/paste to every social media website for decades.

    EL_Toddler: The Population of society is addicted to the images, faces, voices of the rich and powerful - even when they are incredibly ugly icons - they can’t stop speaking about their distinct orange skin color and the power that comes with political power and media stardom - “you can grab them by the pussy” power.

    That power comes from the population, The People, who can’t resist repeating the memes. Worked for The Church in Europe in 1450 when the population was similarly meme-addled until a priest in Germany upset the meme apple cart and translated The Meme Book to German from Latin. A new printing press in Germany helped that too, even if The Church funded the first printings.

    Remember kid, Tricke down Economics is a lie, Trickle Down Memes and images of the politicians, religion symbol memes, orange skin color images, they TRICKLE DOWN and that is REAL POWER over The Population! A population who can not resist taking an image of a famous orange person and repeating it hour after hour on their meme copying machines they hold in their hands or sit on their desk.

    P.S. In polices, repeating a name alone, campaign signs that just show a couple colors on meme symbols and signs - work well on the population. This is proven with statistics of voting results vs. money spent on spreading the name. People generally do not go into issues and validate the performance after election that the politician is honest and delivers… name recognition by shear trickle-down of meme signs in yards, endorsements by other meme icons of society, and repeating their image and name in other places is what it takes.

  • RoundSparrow @*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    Being open source won’t prevent this, sadly. 4 years is still young, but if a critical mass shifts back to Reddit then Lemmy will be considered a failure.

    you express very limited understanding of open source and how competition works. Just because Microsoft kept selling Windows and “Linux on the Desktop” never came to displace Windows by 2005, it doesn’t mean Linux on end-user machines was a failure. Android Linux came along and is the biggest Linux distro ever, defeating Windows CE / Windows Mobile.

    if a critical mass shifts back to Reddit then Lemmy will be considered a failure.

    Again, that is like saying “people looked at Linux on desktop in 2003 and went back to Windows, so Linux was a failure”. Trying to displace entrenched players is often not how it works, it is when people leverage the source code and some parts of the system in different ways - like Android did with Linux - that things often change.

    Regarding Reddit specifically, the Reddit code was open source for a very long time, nobody wanted to leave Reddit for different owner/operators… that changed in 2023 when every alternate to Reddit has seen a surge in developer interest (even non-federated apps like Tildes). That’s not really happened in the decades Reddit has been around before that specifically large groups of people and app developers have specifically expressed interest in moving away from Reddit in mass (Voat was the only prior big movement, but API apps were not really a focus in that movement).

    By “MySpaced” I mean “become irrelevant”.

    8-bit video games stopped selling in the 1990’s, but then in 2023 there is a huge “Retro gaming” and “retro computing” movement. Same with vinyl music records going out of style then coming back in as retro. Right now TikTok and video dominate Reddit front page - which Lemmy hasn’t even been taking on with video clips that reach Reddit’s technology level, let alone TikTok. There are trends of changes that are more than just one platform owners vs. another. Some of those may be in favor like federation/networked servers that Reddit does not have - that even drew the attention of Facebook.

  • How is the Fediverse privacy focused?

    Not only have there been major bugs with delete of comments not working on other servers, the whole idea of federation is that it gets sent out to any instance that wants a copy - with not even a ‘terms of service’ that is standard on Lemmy.

    For such a communist focus that the Lemmy developers have, I’ts so odd that they don’t emphasize that content is public and have it like Wikipedia content contributions. They use GPL license to force people to share their work of the code, but then they turn around and promise privacy that they fail to deliver on given that they don’t even warn newcomers how federation works.