• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Ancient Egypt specifically fell because of Rome,

    It had been conquered by Alexander the great and ruled by Greeks for 300 years before that. And Alexander the great had conquered it from the Persians.

    it had a much better time at the early middle ages than a lot of other former roman provinces

    It was part of the Roman empire up until the 7th century when it was conquered by the Islamic Caliphate. During the Roman period it was the richest province in the Empire and pretty much funded the whole thing. It was also a personal possession of the Emperor due to its riches.

  • I mean, if they are fleeing, they are fleeing with their money. Capital is essential for an economy and if capital leaves the country, it means that you have less growth, less investment and less prosperity in general. You can’t even tax that capital once it has left the country.

    Plus, many of those low-millionaires are probably some of the most competent and knowledgeable people (not the hundreds-million industry captain with ties to the government, but the plant manager or lead researcher, lead developer etc. i.e. those who’ve made a small fortune through their ability). Getting rid of lead people is not exactly beneficial for an economy.

    And sure, making everyone poor will reduce apparent wealth inequality, you’re right.

  • I think that, in theory, you can’t really move all your money outside of China. In practice, I’m pretty sure there’s a huge loophole in Macau where you can exchange all your RMB money for casino chips and then exchange them for dollars (or something like that) instantly, allowing you to move huge sums outside of China. There are probably a thousand other ways to bring out money we surely don’t know about.

    There are tons of millionaires and billionaires in China, and I doubt they want to be at the complete mercy of the CCP. They’ve been moving money outside of China for decades now, with this and other loopholes. Many of the billionaires are complicit with members of the party, obviously, sharing the money with those in power in order to do what they please.

  • Rinox@feddit.ittohmmm@lemmy.worldHmmm
    17 days ago

    Also not native, but I don’t think you can’t use the word queue or line for hair. You can use braids, you can use tail or you can say tied back.

    I get it though cause in Italian we too have the same word for line of people and hair tail (coda)

  • Frankly, those are just local problems and thus negligible (compared to greenhouse gas emissions).

    Tell that to those dying because of those toxic emissions.

    So don’t be stupid about it: make as much of them as you can out of waste fats and oils, then stop. Easy-peasy!

    Sure, I agree, but if you want biofuels to be a significant enough part of the fuel mix, you need to make them at scale, which means you need incentives and by incentives I mean making them profitable enough so that it makes sense to invest billions into making them. At that point it becomes a race towards who can make the most at the lowest price to make the most money, and guess where that brings you. Otherwise, if you limit fuel crops, you’ll get a very small production at a high price, since the scalability and possibility for growth will be limited.

    Biofuels are best used for filling the gaps left over after cities are fixed for bikeability and everything reasonable to electrify is electrified

    This is really what I’d like to see, using the massive taxes on fuels to finance sustainable mobility like trams, rail, bikes etc

    Biofuels are great and all to fill that gap, but the moment they become more profitable or cheaper than fossil fuels, it’s the moment you’re gonna have massive problems.

  • Not really. Biofuels are better than normal oil-derived fuels in terms of excess CO2 being dispersed in the environment, but they are still overall bad. They still release harmful particulates, they still release lots of NOx, and they are doubly bad in terms of land utilization, where you use huge swaths of land to cultivate plants with the sole goal of making them into fuel, rather than using that land to make food. Moreover, in a lot of places the cultivation of biofuel plants is being done by burning down forests and using that land for farming.

    Biofuels are definitely better than normal petrol or diesel, but they are still overall bad, and I’d also argue that if we 100% switched to biofuels we’d have massive issues in terms of land, farming-related emissions, deforesting etc.