• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • UniversalMonk Lemmy Stats:
    Account Age - 2 Months
    Comments - 3,000+
    Posts - 1,300+

    Average Comments Per Day - 50
    Average Comments Per Hour - 3.125

    Average Posts Per Day - 21.66
    Average Posts Per Hour - 1.35

    (Numbers are assuming that UniversalMonk is a single human who sleeps 8 hours per day)

    Either this is a dedicated basement dweller who has no life other than shitposting tankie propaganda like it is their fucking job.

    (Or, and I think this is more likely)

    This is a coordinated, and malignant effort by a group of bad faith actors to coopt the political discourse on Lemmy in an attempt to drown out real discussion, and turn this place into the tankie equivalent of 8chan for pro-Putin LARPers.

  • I would like to reiterate that A LOT of the entrenched Cannabis industry assholes that run the business are pro-Trump. I’m talking well over a majority of the most psychotic Trump supporters I know are directly involved in the interstate Cannabis market. They are even more prone to conspiracy brainrot than the average Yall’Qaeda folks.

    I’m sounding the alarm for the millionth time that the Cannabis industry attracts some of the most degenerate, unethical, fucked up people into positions of power. I’ve said this like 10 times on Lemmy at least, and I always get downvoted into oblivion even though I have more direct experience with the Cannabis industry than 99.9999% of people on earth.

    Trust me when I say a lot of these people are fully fucked in the head, and giving them legitimacy is a problem. While I am still 100% pro-legalization, I am also aware of the dark side of that equation as well. There is a lot of exploitation and evil in the industry. It needs to be unionized, and there needs to be common sense regulation that is not captured by the corporations within the industry itself.

    Source: Worked in the black, gray, and recreational Cannabis industry for 14 years. Have directly facilitated the sale of tens of millions of dollars worth of Cannabis. Worked with thousands of different people, and hundreds of different vendors over that time.

  • Well, I think for one thing because Jill Stein seemingly had nothing to lose in that interview with Mehdi. The whole thing just came off as weird to me, and clearly that sentiment was pretty widely shared. I just don’t understand it I guess. If she had provided more context around her initial hesitancy perhaps I would feel differently.

    I am also totally willing to admit that it is an intellectual double standard, but it isn’t a strategic one because the outcome of Kamala Harris’ speech has the ability to affect the outcome of this election in a huge way. I guess you could argue that Jill Stein’s does too since she is potentially peeling votes from the Democrats, but if she was actually serious about affecting change she could be lobbying Kamala Harris for policy concessions behind the scenes instead of just virtue signaling.

    Jill Stein in that Mehdi interview really gave off the same energy as Kim Iversen in her debate with Destiny yesterday. Neither one of them did much to counter the narrative that they were at best highly sympathetic to Russia, or at worst closeted Russian assets. It was all just really bizarre and extremely suspect…

  • Just out of curiosity, do you think it would help her win the election if she did? She boycotted his speech in congress. She is treading a really thin line, and the only winning gambit seems to be keeping her messaging neutral until after the election. Rocking that boat right now gives the Republicans further ammunition to use against her, and will embolden Netanyahu to militarily escalate.

    At the moment she can hide behind the veil of the current policy being driven exclusively by Biden rather than inserting herself in the middle of things, and therefore presenting additional leverage to her enemies. I don’t like the situation, but I don’t see how it was possible to play things any differently while still preserving a serious chance to win the election.

    We normally see eye to eye on a lot of things, but in this case I think it is disengenuous to conflate the motivations of Jill Stein & Kamala Harris.

  • It is the certification that has me worried. If this election is anywhere within a couple tenths of a point in Georgia, Nevada, or Michigan then shit is about to be a fucking nightmare.

    I don’t think people are adequately weighing the danger of the Supreme Court putting their thumb directly on the scale in the event these election deniers are able to effectuate something approximating the obstruction in 2000 or 2020. Now that we know John Roberts is effectively in the bag for Trump, all bets are off.

  • The thing I believe you are missing in your assessment is that it took outside forces to overcome Nazism in Germany, and Fascism in Europe more broadly.

    Nobody is coming to save us this time. We are the world’s leading nuclear superpower. So, any attempt to change course is going to have to come from within unless we are talking about destroying civilization entirely.

    I don’t see a way that outside diplomacy is going to have any effect either. We must accept the reality we are in, and fight back by using grassroots methods to stop the radicalization of our peers.

    I grant you that it feels like a hopeless battle at times, but so do all wars of attrition. I understand the anger and the fear. It is justified. However, we need to be clear eyed and sober minded about the reality we are living in. So, I think my original point still stands.

  • Half of us…Let’s not other-ize them because I’m assuming you are also American, and like it or not they are our fucking peers.

    One way or another they are our fucking problem to deal with unfortunately. I know you didn’t really mean it like that most likely, but I think it is important to recognize that we have to accept the reality of the society we are living in no matter how much we fucking hate it.