So for my part I don’t have a gigantic issue with Imgur as a service, but I do have an issue with how bloated the website has become and how they’ve completely degraded the experience on mobile. In general I’m not interested in using an image uploading site like Imgur as social media, so everything but image uploading is overhead for me.
On mobile, Imgur is extremely strict about the experience and “optimization”; direct image links will redirect you to the post instead, and the posts themselves are extremely compressed, which makes images with smaller text basically unreadable, on top of everything else just looking like shit.
My usecase for image hosting is to share with friends, and not have to really worry about looking back at previous images, so I personally rent a server for $3/m (and a domain for like $15/y) and use it to host any files I want to upload. That way I don’t have to worry about third parties screwing with the presentation of my images in ways I don’t want them to.
Good to hear for people that are tightly interwoven with Apple’s ecosystem and have been using it, more options is always good. I’ve personally been using 1Password on my Apple devices (which integrates nicely on iOS with Face ID and very well on my 2019 MBP with Touch ID).