• 14 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • No, you posted statistics that show silent and boomer generations as less educated than X, and millennials marginally more educated than X. So therefore by your own statistics boomers and silent are the most ignorant generations alive. You can’t even read your own statistics. You have a conclusion that you’re sticking to no matter what, even if your own “proof” proves you wrong. You skipped past every other rebuttal I offered or you blame autocorrect, boomers, and X for everything wrong. You didn’t even know who Gen X could vote for, and I bet you didn’t even check to see who the largest voting blocks were for following presidents. You just keep making shit up to suit who you want to blame for whatever issues you have.

    Dude, just stop. Pretty shitty attitude when every X’er I know understands millennial problems, along with following gens, and really fucking hopes you can get your ass out there and vote so ALL of us can fix shit and live in a better place. E: feel free to check my comment history if you want to know where I stand.

  • Less educated, but you failed to provide the requsted actual objective proof and substituted opinion? Less educated, yet you can’t use “they’re” properly? Your actions seem to indicate you’re a secret Gen X’er by your own metrics. Many of our political problems stem from the Reagan Administration, yet Gen X, which started in 1965 (and I think that’s too early to start that bracket), would have been too young to legally vote for Reagan.

    I could go on

    Oh, by all means. Please do.

  • Sounds more interesting than ours, which had snippets of made-up quotes or stories to demonstrate proper form when writing. History is awesome in my current opinion, it’s fascinating. In school it was nothing more than being forced to memorize names, dates, and places. I’ll diverge from your opinion on math here, I hated it in regular school, but I really enjoyed college maths like physics because it had application and real-world results. Not just pointlessly solving versions of a^2 + b^2 = c^2.

    Different strokes…

  • Exactly.

    Keep Right Except To Pass.

    40 states have “Keep Right” laws. Many of them have “must yield” laws that require slower traffic to move to the right lane if faster traffic approaches from behind. A few states have exceptions where you can use the middle lane temporarily in areas where there is a lot of merging traffic.

    There are a shocking number of people that cruise in the center lane slower than prevailing traffic. I don’t get that at all.

  • Private policing has been done.

    You had to pay a fee to have them attempt to solve whatever crime you wanted investigated.

    Too bad if you’re poor.

    If you’re rich the crime will be solved. Doesn’t matter if they got the right person.

    Police take bribes, so they can find the other “right person”.

    They were used to force workers back to work when they rebelled over poor pay and working conditions.

    They were used to hunt down escaped slaves.

    Want to know why people didn’t want state-funded cops? Because those police would be used to limit their freedoms. Anyone participated in a protest lately? How about being pulled over because of your color? Assets seized? Not that you would have avoided these things with private police, though. Modern police still protect the capital of the wealthy, just on the taxpayer dime now, the rich don’t have to pay them directly.

  • TBF there are far, far too many technological solutions that are “science will save us” but haven’t been fully fleshed out, studied, or require some modest form of unobtainium to work in mass deployment. Also, a huge chunk of those solutions would have to have been implemented 20 years ago, yet haven’t even made it off the proverbial drawing board yet.

    IMO solutions need to be implemented now, like wind, solar, especially nuclear power, EV, etc. Yeah, nuclear is temporary, and yes, nothing stays in place longer than a temporary solution, but it’s a known and can be built now rather than yet another 5-15 years of waiting for untried tech solutions. Unfortunately the comic isn’t entirely wrong, we are going to need to lose some things if we want to save ourselves.