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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • To be fair, the add-ons are just containers installed and managed by HA. In most cases, you can install all of them as separate containers via something like Docker, but configuration takes more steps (though you also get more control).

    Example: I have HA, Eclipse mosquitto, zigbee2mqtt, zwave-js-ui, node-red, Grafana, and influxdb all running as docker containers on two different devices (my main HA host wasn’t ideal for Zigbee and zwave USB dongles, so those are on a Pi 4). The other containers are accessible separately or from within HA as iFrame panels.

  • This. Plus, if you beat the DC by 10 or more, you get a Critical Success or if you fail by 10 or more you get a Critical Failure, regardless of the dice roll.

    And for opposed skill checks only the player/NPC taking the action rolls a d20, and that’s compared against the opposing skill DC (10 + Skill Bonus). This streamlines play and reduces random variability.

    So in the example here, only the rogue would have rolled the natural 1 and added 26 for a 27. The paladin’s Perception DC would be 16, so the Rogue beat it by 11 and it’d normally be a Critical Success. But since it was a natural 1, the Critical Success is reduced to a Success. They still succeeded at deception, but not quite as well as they could have.

  • I don’t actually own a Hue bridge and have never used one in my setup, but have about a dozen Hue bulbs (and additional non-Hue bulbs when “budget” options would suffice). I have HA running in Docker on my NAS and Z2M running in Docker on a Pi4 (which also is running my Z-Wave container) placed in a more central location in my house, which has a Sonoff Zigbee. They communicate with each other via gigabit Ethernet. Altogether I have about 50 Zigbee devices on my network.

    It did take a bit to get everything set up and communicating with each other, and I specifically chose Zigbee channels that don’t overlap with my WiFi (since they’re both 2.4ghz). But my light response is essentially instantaneous via my HA app or a bound smart switch, so it’s definitely doable without a bridge using existing tech.

  • Worth noting that the recent Infrastructure bill passed under Biden includes $108 billion for public transportation (Link). This is much larger than the $7.5B set aside for electric vehicles.

    As much as I despise our car-centric infrastructure, climate change is a large enough threat that we should seriously consider and pursue multiple avenues of decreasing our emissions as fast as possible. Fully transitioning away from auto-dominant transportation in the US is, frankly, not realistic in a timely manner with the public support and resources available. Not only will transportation infrastructure need changing, but even the design of our cities. So while we should pursue broader public transportation, we should also pursue other initiatives with high likelihood of broad acceptance and rapid implementation. Electric vehicles seems to be one such initiative.

  • Why are you comparing $1 to $0.25? This is an incorrect way to compare relative purchasing power.

    As already pointed out, if $1 in 1938 is equivalent to $21.77 today, then $0.25 in 1938 is equivalent to $5.44 today ($21.76 / 4). Since minimum wage is $7.25, they are earning more per hour now after adjusting for inflation.

    Another way to think about it is if someone wanted to buy something for $1 in 1938, they’d need 4 hours of minimum wage work ($1 / $0.25 = 4 hrs). That same $1 expense would be $21.77 today, or $21.77/7.25 = 3.0 hours of minimum wage work.

    This isn’t necessarily justification that the minimum wage isn’t in need of an increase today, by the way. I personally think it needs an increase (among other work reforms) and is a decent argument that minimum wage in the US has been too low since it’s inception. But it has increased since 1938 after adjusting for inflation.