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Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I had an appointment booked at my GO. Get there 10 mins early. Everything’s normal, one other person in the waiting room.

    Other person gets called in. Still normal.

    Receptionist walks through the waiting room, locks the front door, then shuts the shutter to the reception desk. “Uh what”

    20mins pass, haven’t seen another soul. Not tooo unusual to wait 20mins.

    40mins, sunk cost fallacy sets in. Can’t leave anyway as the front door is locked.

    50 mins later, receptionist comes in “the doctor will see you now, sorry for the wait we had our weekly staff meeting”

    You fucking what. You booked me in at the time you have your fucking weekly staff meeting?!

  • Generally, you avoid frying your offspring.

    But WRT the OPs concerns of flying; People move, get jobs in other cities and countries, have kids, want to visit families, grandparents get sick, etc.

    There’s a whole range of reasons why. Going “whelp, you had kids, sorry we’re going to ostracise you from society until your crotchspawn can keep quiet” isn’t exactly an inclusive attitude.

  • I used to love ‘the cloud’. Rather, a specific slice of it.

    I worked almost exclusively on AppEngine, it was simple. You uploaded a zip of your code to appengine and it ran it at near infinite scale. They gave you a queue, a database, a volatile cache, and some other gizmos. It was so simple you’d struggle to fuck it up really.

    It was easy, it was simple, and it worked for my clients who had 10 DAU, and my clients who had 5 million DAU. Costs scaled nearly linearly, and for my hobby projects that had 0 DAU, the costs were comparable.

    Then something happened and it slowly became complicated. The rest of the GCP cloud crept in and after spending a term with a client who didn’t use “the cloud” I came back to it and had to relearn nearly everything.

    Pretty much all of the companies I’ve worked for could be run on early AppEngine. Nobody has needed anything more than it, and I’m confident the only reason they had more was because tech is like water. You need to put it in a bucket or it goes everywhere.

    Give me my AppEngine back. It allowed me to focus on my (or my clients) problems. Not the ones that come with the platform.

  • Not entirely true.

    In some countries (UK, NZ) Uber has to give you the price of the journey up front. Whereas taxis are metered and do not.

    Uber UK has competition in thin regard with Minicabs, but the minicab apps are still shit.

    Capped costs for consumers is a competitive advantage over taxis, and Uber has managed to find the sweet spot between hailing a taxi, and booking a minicab.

  • If you still do the sizing (it’s not entirely wasted as it’s a reasonably effective tool to gauge understanding across the team), This can still be done without the artificial time boxing.

    “How much work have we done in the last two weeks?” Just look at all the stories closed in the last two weeks. Easy.

    “When will X be delivered?” Look at X and all its dependencies, add up all the points, and guesstimate the time equivalence.

    Kanban isn’t a free for all, you still need structure and some planning. But you take most of that away from the do-ers and let them do what they do best… do.

  • It’ll most likely mean the people running stuff in the background. payroll, asset management and purchasing, IT staff, etc.

    These people will have an impact on ‘crime fighting’, but marginally. Eg. If there’s a problem with payroll it might mean the police officers are paid a day or two late. Or maybe office supplies aren’t kept well stocked in station.

    But it might also be anyone who’s not an “officer”. So police station support/maintenance, mechanics, analysts (people who help the police analyse gathered intelligence), 111 operators, etc.

    This would probably have significant impacts on ‘crime fighting’. 500 extra police isn’t going to be as effective if police cars are broken, intelligence isn’t accurate, or there’s a wait time on 111.