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Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • Poik@pawb.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzSardonic Grin
    9 days ago

    That’s LLM bull. The model already knows hangman; it’s in the training data. It can introduce variations on the data, especially in response to your stimuli, but it doesn’t reinvent that way. If you want to see how it can go astray ask it about stuff you know very well, and watch how it’s responses devolve. Better yet, gaslight it. It’s very easy to convince LLMs that they’re wrong because they’re usually trained for yes-manning and non confrontation.

    Now don’t get me wrong, LLMs are wicked neat, but they don’t come up with new ideas, but they can be pushed towards new concepts, even when they don’t grasp them. They’re really good at sounding sure of themselves, and can easily get people to “learn” new “facts” from them, even when completely wrong. Always look up their sources, (which Bard (Google’s) can natively get for you in its UI) but enjoy their new ideas for the sake of inspiration. They’re neat toys, which can be used to provide natural language interfaces to expert systems. They aren’t expert systems.

    But also, and more importantly, that’s not zero-shot learning. Neat little anecdote from a conversation with them though. Which model are you using?

  • Poik@pawb.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzSardonic Grin
    9 days ago

    No. AI and, what you’re more likely to be referring to, machine learning has had applications for decades. Basic work was used back into the '60s, mostly for quick things, and 1D data analysis was useful long before images (voice and stuff like biometrics). But there are many more types of AI. Bayesian networks (still in the learned category) were huge breakthroughs and still see a lot of use today. Decision trees, Markov chains, and first order logic are the most common video games AI and usually rely on expert tuning rather than learned results.

    AI is a huge field that’s been around longer than you expected, and permeates a lot of tech. Image stuff is just the hot application since it’s deep learning based buff that started around 2009 with a bunch of papers that helped get actual beneficial learning in deeper models (I always thought it started roughly with Deep Boltzmann Machines, but there’s a lot of work in that era that chipped away at the problem). The real revolution was general purpose GPU programming getting to a state where these breakthroughs weren’t just theoretical.

    Before that, we already used a lot of computer vision, and other techniques, learned and unlearned, for a lot of applications. Most of them would probably bore you, but there are a lot of safety critical anomaly detectors.

  • Poik@pawb.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzSardonic Grin
    9 days ago

    This actually is a symptom from the sort of “beneficial” overfit in Deep Learning. As someone whose research is in low data, long tails, and few shot learning, there’s a few things that smaller networks did better in generalization, and one thing they particularly did better (without explicit training for it) is gauging uncertainty. This uncertainty is sometimes referred to as calibration. Calibrating deep networks can yield decent probabilities that can be used to show uncertainty.

    There are other tricks for this. My favorite strategies prep the network for learning new things. Large margin training and the like are a good thing to look into. Having space in the output semantic space (the layer immediately before the output or earlier for encoder decoder style networks) allows for larger regions for distinct unknown values to be separated from the known ones, which helps inherently calibrate the network.

  • In addition to Aezora’s response, extrovert vs introvert being a description of your attitude to socializing is only a colloquial use of the term. I am a shy extrovert. I do not get social energy by being alone, like an introvert does, and I have problems talking with new people and even with friends prefer a back seat in the conversation.

    Most people seem to fit into more clear buckets, if you believe the marketing, but that doesn’t make the buckets the definition.

  • Which end? The main story is just a narrative device, in fact you shouldn’t really obey the narrator at all. Calling any end “The End” doesn’t make sense in the context of the game, really. Unless you just broke out of the mind control facility three times then called it quits? That end is supposed to be non enticing so that you try literally anything else before putting it down. I think the going insane end sticks with me the most. Although the game dev commentary in the recent release is fun.

  • Science is pushing the bounds of human knowledge. Science is only science if it propagates, otherwise it’s just someone’s discovery. Science has to be built upon, even if it’s disproven, that means it was documented well enough to be built upon. That’s not to say everything that’s disproven is science, because crackpot theories don’t often push the bounds of human knowledge.

    I hope the brilliant students get their knowledge out there. (But that is unfortunately hard in academia. Despite us living in what should be a post knowledge scarcity society, we clearly aren’t.)

  • Poik@pawb.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyz✨️ Finish him. ✨️
    2 months ago

    This is why the machine learning community will go through ArXiv for pretty much everything. We value open and honest communication and abhor knowledge being locked down. This is why he views things this way. Because he’s involved in a community that values real science.

    ArXiv is free and all modern science should be open. There were reasons for publications in the past, since knowledge dissemination was hard, and they facilitated it. Now the publications just gatekeep.

  • Poik@pawb.socialtoScience Memes@mander.xyzAutism
    2 months ago

    I’ve noticed a lot of things that are considered autistic in the states specifically may be normal practice in various cultures, having worked with people in Germany, and from a large swath of Asia.

    It interests me a bit, but I think the takeaway is that autism tends to manifest in a number of quirks, and the ones that don’t align with the current culture the autistic person is in are the ones that are paid attention to. That and there tends to be a bit more obsession over said quirks than in those cultures, sometimes to the detriment of the autistic person or their social life.

  • I can tell you haven’t dealt with drama before. If I’m wrong, please forgive me. Everyone has to deal with it differently, please be a little more patient. Maybe they could have worded it more carefully, but I don’t think they deserved this escalation.

    This is a problem we need to deal with in society. You acknowledged that yourself. This almost comes across as victim blaming, but definitely comes across as straw manning.

  • For many things, yes. I used to want to adopt kids, but I don’t think I can deal with the public perception of being a male(-ish) person caring for children anymore, having heard so many rough stories from close friends, who at least have a wife to yell at sexists. Having a less traditional partnership won’t win any positive counts in the public eye, no matter how good of parents we might be.

    There are quite a few stories of the same ostracizing for females (regarding SA), just less public attention on the stories for males who go through similar problems. All in all it’s fucked and we need people to take this seriously. I see the stand that this is making everyone defensive, but at the same time it is at least calling up the issue and maybe after people calm down, more people might acknowledge it? Yeah. I am too naive. Or wishful.

  • You have a fair point, but that doesn’t make the original point less important. You are on the statistically safer side of the coin, but NO one should be treated this way.

    Historically, rape victims on both sides have been ignored, blamed, and chastised. This needs to change. We need to have better treatment and justice for SA victims. Gender or sex shouldn’t come into the picture for how the situation is handled.

    I get why you’re mad at this, and I do not want to talk about details of my life, but I get why you’re mad at this for personal reasons. I just think it’s slightly misdirected. I wish people would take you seriously, again, for personal reasons. I hope you find support and safety.