• 3 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2021


  • I am not sure this script will help. But I actually have a lot of cue/bin files from back when I ripped my cd collection. If I remember correctly, I played them through mediamonkey (ape files) or foobar. Windows user then… Most CD’s are either lost or in the back of the attic somewhere. I consider the files dead, but havent deleted them yet. I use plex which can’t play cue/bin files. This script might make my old cd collection come alive again…

  • Jeg tror det er vigtigt ikke at diskuterer for og imod AI. Men istedet bemærke hvad der sker i dette tilfælde:

    1. det generelle retstats princip om at staten kun må indhente de relevante oplysninger for en sag, forsvinder, når alt kan være relevant for en algoritme. Det tillader vi jo heller ikke når politiet efterforsker en forbrydelse. Her skal der en dommerkendelse til. Hvis princippet forsvinder rykker det ved magtbalancen mellem individ og stat.

    For at kunne rykke ved principperbe bliver man nød til at snakke om konsekvenserne og indholdet og processen. Det vil man ikke

    1. høringen har været mangelfuld og fraværende.

    2. ikke engang formålet med behandlingen, (navnet på algoritmen) må offentligheden få kendskab til. På den måde har vi fx ikke en ide om hvorvidt det bruges penge på at fange snyd med crypto, antiklamper, leasingfælder eller måske nordjyske campingvogne…

    Det er altså ret princpielle skred i den måde det offentlige normalt opererer på

  • On a related note? When my friend on proton send me (regular imap, openpgp) and several others (gmail, outlook) an email with all of us as recipients, it seems that proton cheats? I get to decrypt the message, where’s the others just read plain ø, unincrypted text.

    At first i thought this smart. But now i kind of realize how much of a nightmare this seems to be.

    On the other hand, i am not really sure how they do it? Is it to different mails, with fake headers? Or is it more like: if no encryption is available, show thisb (dentical) text instead?

  • Agree. A new EV needs to drive many years to offset the carbon emission during production of said car. The best thing you can do for the environment (if you want to drive a car) is to keep driving the car you already have. Second best it’s too but a used car. It’s horrendous. We give tax credits to incentives people to buy new conspicuous shit, while punishing those that keep their old, healthy cars.

    It’s totally Keyser Söze: the biggest trick the car industry pulled was convincing the public new, big EV cars were actually good for the environment.