Even their torches are cheap. I expected a capitalistic “our main products are cheap but we getcha on the extras” but was pleasantly surprised by their torches. Thanks!
Even their torches are cheap. I expected a capitalistic “our main products are cheap but we getcha on the extras” but was pleasantly surprised by their torches. Thanks!
I’ve never had a dry vaporizer before, so I’m looking to buy my first. Anyone have any suggestions for information resources or specific products I should be looking at? Someone mentioned the TinyMight 2, but it doesn’t really seem like an entry level model. But maybe I should just go for the best.
I tend to consume smaller amounts of cannabis at a time, so a model that has flexibility in terms of hit size would be ideal.
Washington State. My deductible is $600. It’s income based, so my low rate requires me to make very little. That is fine with me, since I have no desire to work more than 32 hours a week and I’ve learned how to live cheaply.
The insurance my job offered me is $100 a month with a $4,500 deductible, which is absolutely awful in comparison.
No, it’s neither universal nor garbage. You didn’t bother to read my comment. If you had, you would’ve seen me mention how I pay $30.19 a month for health insurance. That is a fantastic deal. The ACA works well for people like me, it just has a limited scope and sends tax payer dollars to greedy health insurance companies.
It’s not universal, it’s based on income. When I signed up for the ACA I put down my income at $3,000 a month, which makes my monthly bill $30.19 a month. If my average income for the year exceeds $3,000, I owe the difference to the government.
My small income works for me because I live alone and don’t have any dependents. But if I had kids I would need to double or triple my income to support them, in which case my monthly ACA payment would also increase. It’s possible for people with families to be priced out of the ACA.
It’s definitely not universal.
5 out of 7 panels are identical, the only change being text bubbles. Classic Garfield.
Making paper out of trees is one of the dumbest things our species does. Paper can be made out of fast growing plants like hemp and bamboo, yet we’re making it out of the SLOWEST growing plants in existence? Make it make sense.
In the early days of the USA, wealthy land owners lobbied the government to make hemp illegal to grow because they knew that using the trees on their land was an inefficient way to make paper, but it made them money. Hemp was a threat, and so these greedy short-sighted capitalists made it illegal to grow.
Sweden should learn from our mistakes and grow hemp.
I was feeling all combative and shit because the title promised me plural owls and the post only contained owl. But the images in the comments have satiated me… for now.
Carry on. These are some high quality birds.
It took a moment for this delectable meta humor to register in my brain. Top notch.
Fair enough. I didn’t mean to imply that we’re as good as the French at protesting. I don’t think anyone is. They are the world champion protestors. I wonder what platform they use to organize.
Yes, I covered that in my comment.
Are you saying that if the people organizing the event aren’t members of Congress, that they will be targeted and vanish? That’s a scary thought. Perhaps the leaders should be kept anonymous.
I would argue that we are. 21,000 in Paris is very similar to 34,000 in Denver. The thing us Americans need to get better at is organizing ourselves. We shouldn’t require leaders like Bernie Sanders and AOC to get us to show up. The regular people of France are amazing at protesting on their own, and we desperately need that kind of energy.
This is one of those comments where I didn’t realize how badly I needed to read it until I did. This kind of support from the countries our dictator is actively alienating is extremely beneficial for morale. Thanks!
Deal with it? You mean, like, primary you and the 9 other simps who voted for this bill? Okay. That’s good advice, thanks Fetterman.
Aww yes, the “I saw a bad horror movie so it’s all bad and needs to go away” schtick. Horror as a genre tends to have a larger number of bad movies in it because they are notoriously cheap to produce. But being cheap is part of the reason the genre has so much charm amongst its fans, and also how it sometimes attracts genuine talent.
Horror makes up 90% of the movies I watch. If people can’t find good horror, that’s on them. It does exist.
Last Week Tonight did a story about dollar stores:
Yeah, they’re as bad as you’d expect.
Fun fact: there have been several instances throughout history where someone had the opportunity to interview known cannibals. The most obvious question that comes to mind is “what do we taste like,” and the answer has always been pork.
Maybe this had something to do with the taboo. It certainly turned me off the idea of eating pork.
I’m autistic and trying to figure out if autism is an at-risk minority group. It doesn’t help that I was extremely vocal on Reddit about how much I hate Trump and Musk. I deleted my account, but Reddit is now a fascist platform and would likely turn over my posts and email address to this administration without a second thought.
I’m not sure what to do. I’m not sure if I could even leave at all, with my debilitating anxiety and trauma.