• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It comes with built-in ruff and uv, and can handle Python versioning for you!

    Not sure if they want to eventually dissolve Rye into uv or what, but for now it’s one of the best (better than Poetry, IMO)

    edit: it also uses the pypoetry.toml standard, something Poetry doesn’t (because Poetry predates pyproject.toml becoming a standard).

    One possible downside: I’ve heard Rye doesn’t honor XDG, which means it has its own location for its config. I don’t mind, but perhaps you do.

    A second possible downside is that Rye doesn’t let you centralize your venvs, so each .venv goes into each project folder, so no using virtualenvwrapper with workon to jump between projects. zoxide can alleviate that problem, or presuming you have a ~/dev folder or similar, you could write a bash function that ls’ that folder and lets you select a folder via fzf? Go ask ChatGPT about it or something.

    edit2: link: https://rye.astral.sh/guide/installation/

  • weird dude who writes raw HTML

    Eyy, that’s me! Good excercise to learn actual HTML, instead of directly trying to jump into <insert random JS framework> and getting confused on what’s what.

    Anyway, I ended up switching to Hugo as a static site generator, because it was too damn hard to keep all my <header>, <nav> and <main> aligned for all my HTML files.

    Now I can just write a markdown file as an article, or switch back to raw HTML if I so need (like rewriting Alan Turing’s paper " On computable numbers" in HTML because I can’t use TTS on the PDFs I found; I still haven’t finished writing it, because I am now reading E. F. Codd’s papers on the Relational Model, which is pretty wild how we already figured that shit out in the 1970s!)